MLA Documentation

MLA Paper Format


English 120 Major Project #3, Option #3:  The Political Letter

Points possible: 40

Aprx. 4-6 pages

Read Chapter 4, "Letters: Establishing and Maintaining Relationships"

Another approach to Rule of the Bone is to consider its appropriateness as literary material in high school or college. Many battles have been waged in American schools over what constitutes "educational" and "appropriate" reading matter, and over censorship issues generally.  A number of books have been banned from the classroom or from school libraries through the years, to loud and sometimes legal protest.  Who should "lead" the use of reader matter in the classroom, and/or who should have the final say about reading material in the schools? Parents? Teachers? Administrators? The students themselves? What is "literature" and what, in your view, constitutes worthy reading material for a high school or college course in the humanities? What is the goal of education, and how does literature help or hinder those goals?  How does Rule of the Bone  fit, or not fit, your criteria for "good literature" or a "good education"? 

Instructions, Purpose, and Audience

For this option you will write a letter of commentary for or against use of this book in the schools. Select a newspaper, magazine, or specific person (someone on the state Board of Higher Education, a former teacher or principle, etc.), and make your argument with a real audience in mind. Your purpose is to convince an undecided or opposed reader that your position on the issue is the best one. Be sure to ground your argument in a clear central claim about the goal and purpose of education, as well as the goal and purpose of the literary arts. Be sure as well to consider these issues in terms of leadership. And, finally, take care to adequately educate yourself about your topic, and don't forget to acknowledge (and refute) opposing views. Note: to do a good job on this essay, you will need to do some research on 1) censorship; 2) book banning; and 3) standards/procedures for textbook selection in the public schools.

Evaluation Criteria

Your essay should be addressed to a real person or persons, and it should have a clear thesis regarding use of Rule of the Bone at some level of schooling. It should develop in detail an argument about what constitutes appropriate reading material in the schools, and about what makes for "good literature," drawing on specific passages from the book as well as outside authorities to support your claims. Special attention will go to research in this option. Provide a comprehensive introduction and conclusion, focus your paragraphs with strong topic sentences and transitions, and provide proper MLA-style documentation of any sources (in-text citations and a Works Cited page).  As with any argument, pay careful attention to the needs and expectations of your targeted audience and heed opposing views. Pay special attention to Chapter 4 of CTW. Finally, remember to proofread your work for lapses in style or mechanics.

Turning in Your Work and Late Policy for Project #3

  • This work must be in by 6 pm on the 8th. No exceptions without documented evidence of serious hardship.

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