Project #2

Making Your Own Political Argument




Points possible: 35
Draft due: March 19th
Final product due: _____


For help with MLA documentation, CLICK HERE.

To evaluate your group members at completion of project, CLICK HERE.

About the Verbal-Visual Component of this Project

Visual and audio media are everywhere and virtually saturate our environments at school, work, and home. Billboards, bumper stickers, TV, the Web, MP3 players, bulletin boards —even clothing has become a form of mass media, with its often flashy product logos and even political messages that reach anyone whose physcial space we share. Many educators have thus come to understand "literacy" as much more than the ability to comprehend and produce verbal language; it means fluency in visual and electronic language as well.

For this project you'll practice your visual-rhetorical skills. You'll put together a verbal-visual argument which stretches your multi-media know-how, gives you further understanding of argument in its many forms, and helps you assert and defend your own views in multiple ways.


Having viewed and discussed Michael Moore's Bowling for Columbine as well as a documentary you selected and analyzed on your own, you should now be somewhat familiar with the genre of political documentary—especially watchdog or investigative documentary.

For this second project, you will form groups and:

  • Select a political issue which you believe needs exposure and discussion (something which has not been covered adequately by mainstream media and/or which is generally unknown to the general public).
  • Collaboratively research the issue: what exactly is it; what is its current social/political/historical status and why does it matter; what specific positions are taken on it and why. Your finished product will need a minimum of four sources (Wikipedia will count as only one, and at least one needs to be from the deep web.)
  • Create a collaborative Power Point production for YouTube which argues for a particular position on the issue. If members of your group know how to create an actual digital film, you also have the option of creating a film instead of a Power Point piece.

Topic Possibilities

Some very general ideas or areas to consider:

  • Unknown, little-known, forgotten, or neglected issues;
  • Secrecy in high places;
  • Errors in the record;
  • Corrupt leaders/institutions;
  • Miscarriages of justice;
  • Breaking (emerging) issues.

Sample topics (each needs to be narrowed and focused):

  • Occupy Wallstreet movement
  • Link between brain cancer and cellphone use
  • Specific gun legislation currently being debated
  • Genetically modified foods
  • Gay marriage
  • Investments in soon-to-open northern waterways
  • Annihilation of species
  • Sweatshop labor


  • Ancient aliens
  • America's role abroad: our policies in any given nation
  • The death of small-town America
  • Marijuana laws
  • The mall-ing of America
  • NDSU's recent academic freedom rukus
  • An issue no one knows about but you!

For more issues, see our Power Point!

3 Documents to Print Out As You Research Your Issue

Research strategy steps: CLICK HERE.

Research Report/Worksheet for keeping track of sources and information for each side: CLICK HERE.

Sample Research Report/Worksheet: CLICK HERE

A Note on Collaboration!

Collaboration can be fun, maddening, time-consuming, awesome, frustrating, fabulous, life-altering, life-destroying...Basically, it's a mixed skill, but an important one in just about any career or venue.

Each group should elect a point person. That person is the go-to guy and the group manager.

Each group member will anonymously evaluate all other group members when the project is finished.

If you run into friction, if a particular group member is not pulling their weight or communicating responsibly, etc., try to first address the issue courteously and openly. If that doesn't work, contact your instructor.

Evaluation Criteria and Rubric


______Your project should have a clear topic and thesis.

______The argument you present should include ample facts, reasons, data, principles, emotional appeals, expert sources, personal experience, and other evidence to support the thesis.

______The argument you present should courteously and thoroughly acknowledge and refute opposing views.

______Your claims and grounds should be arranged for maximum impact: strong point first, weakest points in the middle, absolute best point last.

______The segments of your project and individual slides should show clear headers and/or other navigational and transitional cues to help the view follow your argument. Each slide should have a clear function within the whole

______The visual aesthetics and design of your document should heed all commonly accepted design principles, as explained in CTW and our class Power Point presentation titled, Fundamentals of Visual Design.

______Your project should play well as either a Power Point slide show or film.

______Your project should show creativity, imagination, and competence with many of Power Point's features.

______Your finished product will need a minimum of four sources (Wikipedia will count as only one, and at least one needs to be from the deep web.)

______Quotations, paraphrases, and summaries from sources should be documented unobtrusively, using MLA format as much as possible. Include a complete Works Cited page, formatted properly. For help with MLA documentation, CLICK HERE.

______All writing (text) in the document should be carefully edited for elegance, clarity, and concision, as well as proofread for mechanical errors such as typos, comma splices, run-on sentences, agreement problems, and so on.

______Your project should include a "Supplemental Notes" document, detailing any trouble you encountered while creating your film, explaining where or on what facet of the project your group devoted their primary energies, and basically describing the creation process so that your instructor can fairly evaluate the final product.

______Your project should be handed in via Bb by the deadline or an acceptable grace period.


Group Member Evaluation Form

Click here for the group evaluation form. Each group member should print out a copy and then complete it. It will handed in anonymously.


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