English 120 Schedule

Spring, 2015

Incomplete--more coming soon!

Last Revised: January 13, 2015


Thurs. Jan. 15—

In Class

Blackboard was down, so we could not do scheduled activities. Instead: review of course aims and introduction to contemplative practices.

[Jan. 19—Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

Tues. Jan. 20—

Before Class

In Class

Thurs. Jan. 22—

Before Class

  • Read Writing Today, Chap. 8, "Rhetorical Analysis," pp. 143-midway through p. 150, and the brief segment titled, "The Conclusion" on p. 154.
  • Complete King worksheet, if you don't finish it in class on Thurs.
  • Read John Holt, "School is Bad for Children."
  • Read and print out "Describe This Class: Responses." [forthcoming]
  • Read Contemplative Journal Overview and Instructions and also QUICK START GUIDE.
  • Be working on your first journal exercise. (All weekly exercise assignments are located in Contemplative Journal/Weekly Assignnents in Bb.)

In Class

    • King worksheet due. Post in Bb/Weekly Work, by class time.
    • Bring Writing Today to class.
    • Go over work on King, with Writing Today alongside.
    • "Describe This Class" results and perspectives wheel. Have in hand your print-out of "Describe This Class: Responses."
    • Possibly begin rhetorical analysis of Holt.

Tues. Jan. 27

Before Class

In Class

    • Tips for the breathing exercise.
    • Finish work with Holt.
    • Rhetorical analysis of Evers.
    • Visual rhetoric and analyzing film.
    • Assignment for viewing of Dangerous Minds. Questions to consider as you watch.

Thurs. Jan. 29—

No regular class meeting. Do the following outside of class:

Tues. Feb. 3—

Before Class

    • See assignments for Thurs., Jan. 29th above.

In Class

    • Koh worksheet due in Bb/Weekly Work.
    • First Contemplative Journal assignment due in Bb/Contemplative Journal/Weekly Assignments.
    • Rhetorical analysis of Dangerous Minds.
    • Assignment for Project #1.
    • Contemplative Journal Assignment #2: Beholding.


Thurs. Feb. 5—

    Before Class

      • Watch your choice of a movie having to do with education and respond to worksheet questions.
      • Read Writing Today, "Organizing and Drafting Your Rhetorical Analysis," pp. 150-157.
      • Write a zero draft of Project #1.

    In Class

      • Zero draft of Project #1 due.
      • Brief discussion of basic research.
      • Critiques.

Tues. Feb. 10—

Second Contemplative Journal assignment due in Bb/Contemplative Journal/Weekly Assignments.

Begin work on Contemplative Journal assignment #3.





Finals Week

We will not meet over Finals Week.



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