The Learning Log


You will compile, over the course of the semester, a "log" of class notes for each class session. For the first 5-10 minutes of each class, you'll write "sign-in notes," and for the final 5-10 minutes, you'll write "sign-out notes," based on specific instructions for any given session. You'll keep these compiled religiously in a hardcopy or electronic folder.

notes will typically include the following:

a) a summary of key points and activities from the previous week's class; and

b) some form of report, reflection, or quiz on the current day's reading assignment.

Sign-out notes will typically include:

a) some form of reflection and report on that day's lecture and discussion (e.g., what was clearest, what is still fuzzy, questions you may have, ideas you are mulling, etc.); and

b) tasks you will set yourself for the coming week.

The learning log will help you to reflect on, retain, and otherwise digest class lecture and discussion from week to week. It will also provide a record of your attendance and committment to reading assignments.

You'll hand in your whole log 2-3 times during the semester for a check-minus (weak), check (satisfactory), or check-plus (strong).

If you miss a class meeting, you should contact a couple classmates as soon as possible for full class notes as well as learning log instructions for that day. You're then free to complete your learning log entries outside of class. Be sure, however, to strictly use your own words in your log and to credit any help.

Everyone is free to improve upon their entries any time prior to a scoring session.

Note: it's important that you keep these sign-in/sign-out notes neatly compiled and dated throughout the term, either electronically or in a hardcopy folder. For an ELECTRONIC log, it's best to create one Word document and add your entries to it each week. BACK UP THE FILE IN SEVERAL PLACES! A JUMP DRIVE, THE CLOUD, AN EXTERNAL HARD DRIVE, ETC.



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