
English 222 Schedule

Fall, 2015

Tentative Overview

Weeks 1-4

Exploring the Ecosystem
(Where are we?
What kind of creatures live here?)

  1. The Moaner (Personal Mode)
  2. The Mad Seer (Visionary Mode)
  3. The Maker (Formalist Mode)
  4. The Bard (Spoken-Word or Performed Mode)


Weeks 4-6

Form: The Craft and Music of Poems

  • Lineation (metrical and free verse)
  • Sound (all forms of "rhyme" as Robert Pinsky uses the word)
  • Verse Forms (sonnet, sestina, villanelle, blank verse, heroic couplet, etc.)



Weeks 6-7

Form: A Sampling of Elements & Devices

  • Image
  • Metaphor
  • Lyrical Leap


Week 8-10

Bringing It All Together: The Poetry of _______

Applying everything you've learned to a collection of poems.


Week 11

Comprehensive Take-Home Exam



Week 12-14

Writing About Poems

The latter part of the term will focus primarily on writing your own literary analysis, and performing your own spoken-word poem.


Week 15

Performing Poems

Everyone will do a slam-style poetry performance in the final week of the semester.





After each date below you'll find a reading and possibly a writing assignment due for that day. You may also see a summary of tentative class activities. If you miss a class, please check this schedule, read through any new Power Points in Blackboard, and contact a couple classmates for full notes and instructions. Then see me if you have specific, informed questions.  (You're expected to be prepared for each class meeting, whether you missed the previous one or not.) You may contact me by email, but please clearly identify yourself, and the course and assignment in question:  Cindy Nichols.

Note: this schedule is flexible. You will need to check it regularly for updates and changes. Details are added throughout as we progress through the term.


Tues. Aug. 25

Course introduction. Look over syllabus. Materials and strategies. Encounters and ecologies of the poetic kind.

Thurs. Aug. 27

Before Class

Print out as hardcopy or bookmark on your laptop:

Hang on your refrigerator or tape to the lid of your laptop:

“Meeting, Greeting, and Getting to Know a Poem.” You can find this handout at the top of our Bb menu.

In Class


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