
Week 1, Aug. 24 —The Anglo-Saxon Period: Beowulf +

Week 2, Aug. 31 —Anglo-Saxon Periode: Beowulf +

Week 3, Sept. 7 —The Middle English Period: Chaucer +

Week 4, Sept. 14 —The Middle English Literature Period: Chaucer +

Week 5, Sept. 21 —The 16th Century: Shakespeare +

Week 6, Sept. 28 —The 16th Century: Shakespeare +

Week 7, Oct. 5 —Special Topics: Norton Literature Online

Week 8, Oct. 12 —Exam

Week 9, Oct. 19 —The Early 17th Century: Herbert, Donne, Herrick

Week 10, Oct. 26 —The Early 17th Century: Milton

Week 11, Nov.2—The Early 17th Century: Milton

Week 12, Nov. 9—The Restoration and the 18th Century: Dryden and Swift

Week 13, Nov. 16 —The Restoration and the 18th Century: Johnson and Pope

Week 14, Nov. 23 —Special Topics: Norton Literature Online

Week 15, Nov. 30 —Exam and Essays

Week 16, Dec. 7 —Essays and Course Evaluation


Finals Week, Dec. 13




English 251, Fall 2010
British Literature I

After each date below you'll find a reading and possibly a writing assignment due for that day. You may also see a summary of tentative class activities. If you miss a class, please contact a couple classmates for full notes and instructions. Then see me if you have specific, informed questions.  (You're expected to be prepared for each class meeting, whether you missed the previous one or not.) Feel free to contact me anytime by email:  Cindy Nichols.

Note: this schedule is flexible. You will need to check it regularly for updates and changes. Details are added throughout as we progress through the term.

Tues., Aug. 24
Thurs., Aug. 26
Tues., Aug. 31
Thurs., Sept. 2
Tues., Sept. 7

In Class


  • Course introduction.
  • Setting up learning logs.
  • First learning log entries: why should anyone study the very earliest literary works in English?
  • After class: begin reading assignments.

Blackboard Thursday

  • Go into Blackboard Discussion Board, find the Thursday Forum, and create a Thread for yourself.
  • Post your first Blackboard Thursday entry. Instructions are located at the BB Thurs. site.
  • Aquaint yourself with our Homepage and all course links.
  • Be reading all assignments due for the 31st. Read actively— mark your texts; jot notes; formulate questions.

Before Class

Read in Norton, Vol. 1: "The Middle Ages," pp. 1-7 and pp. 22-23.

"Bede and 'Caedmon's Hymn,'" pp. 24-27.

"The Dream of the Rood," pp. 27-29.

Beowulf, pp. 29-99.

"The Wanderer," pp. 111-113.

"The Wife's Lament," pp. 113-114.

Listen to audio selections in NLO--try to hear as many as you can.

In Class

  • Perspectives on reading lit, drawing on BB Thurs. postings.
  • Old English and OE prosody.
  • Read shorter works aloud.
  • Begin work with Beowulf.

Blackboard Thursday


Post to your BB Thurs. thread an original poem in alliterative verse, at least 50 lines long, in your own voice and with details from your actual life or from contemporary American culture.

Write a brief note afterwards commenting on the experience.


Before Class

Read in Norton:

  • Middle English Lyrics, pp. 436-437.
  • Chaucer, skim "The General Prologue," then read all of "The Miller's Tale," pp.


In Class

  • Read lyrics aloud.
  • Listen to Middle English on audio.
  • Work with "Miller's Tale."pp. 239-255.
Thurs., Sept. 9
Tues., Sept. 14
Thurs., Sept. 16
Tues., Sept. 21
Thurs., Sept. 23

Blackboard Thursday

Write a good couple paragraphs of notes from your reading of "The Wife of Bath's Tale." (See reading assignment for the 14th.)

Full instructions for all BB Thurs. work are in the BB Thurs. Forum of our Discussion Board.

Before Class

In Norton, read Chaucer's "The Wife of Bath's Tale ," pp. 239-255.

In Class

Continue work with Chaucer.

Remember! Come to class prepared to

click here


Blackboard Thursday


Before Class

  • "Legendary Histories," pp. 115-128 (skim-read).
  • Spencer
  • Sydney
  • Marlow, Dr. Faustus, pp. 1023-1055. (skim)


In Class

Blackboard Thursday

Tues., Sept. 28
Thurs., Sept. 30
Tues., Oct. 5
Thurs., Oct. 7
Tues., Oct. 12

Before Class



In Class


Blackboard Thursday



Before Class



In Class

Blackboard Thursday


Before Class



In Class


Thurs., Oct. 14 Tues., Oct. 19 Thurs., Oct. 21 Tues., Oct. 26 Thurs., Oct. 28
Blackboard Thursday


Before Class

Read in Norton:

Herbert, Donne, Herrick


In Class

Hey! Don't forget: come to class prepared to

click here

Blackboard Thursday







Satan's fall (Paradise Lost)

Tues., Nov. 2 Thurs., Nov. 4 Tues., Nov. 9 Thurs., Nov. 11 Tues., Nov. 16


Before Class

Read all of The Sun Also Rises.


In Class

Work with novel.

Blackboard Thursday


Before Class

Read contemporary poets and fiction writers, TBA.


In Class

  • Complete work with novel.
  • Begin contemporary artists.




Before Class

Read contemporary poets and fiction writers, TBA.


In Class


Thurs., Nov. 18 Tues., Nov. 23 Thurs., Nov. 25 Tues., Nov. 30 Thurs., Dec. 2

Blackboard Thursday

Before Class

Read all of White Noise


In Class

Work with novel.


Before Class


In Class

Work with novel.

Blackboard Thursday

Draft of critical essay due. Peer critiques.

Tues., Dec. 7

Thurs., Dec. 9 FINALS WEEK Dec. 13-  


Before Class

Work on critical essay and portfolio.


In Class

  • Discuss essay drafts.
  • Discuss portfolios.
  • Brief conferencing.

Blackboard Thursday

Electronic conferencing.


Before Class

Work on critical essay and portfolio.


In Class

  • Wrap-up.
  • Extra credit opportunity.
  • Course evaluation.
Work on portfolio.

Due by midnight, portfolio containing:

  1. finished critical essay;
  2. completed learning log;
  3. selections from Blackboard Thursday;
  4. reflective letter.

No portfolios are accepted after midnight except with documented evidence of serious hardship or illness.

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