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} else if ( ( initiate == 3 ) && !chat_opened ) { chat_opened = 1 ; initializeProactive() ; } if ( ( initiate == 20 ) && !survey_opened ) { survey_opened = 1 ; // add 2 seconds incase the survey is pushed and they // load the page.. this will supress the error and gives // the script time to load setTimeout("initSurvey()", 2000) ; } else if ( ( initiate == 1 ) && chat_opened ) chat_opened = 0 ; } function do_tracker_1_1() { // check to make sure they are not idle for more then 1 hour... if so, then // they left window open and let's stop the tracker to save server load time. // (1000 = 1 second) var unique = dounique() ; time_elapsed = unique - start_tracker ; if ( time_elapsed > 3600000 ) do_tracker_flag_1 = 0 ; pullimage_1_1 = new Image ; pullimage_1_1.src = "http://livesupport.passkey.cc/kc/phplive/image_tracker.php?l=strong&x=1&page="+url+"&unique="+unique ; pullimage_1_1.onload = checkinitiate_1_1 ; if ( do_tracker_flag_1 == 1 ) setTimeout("do_tracker_1_1()",tracker_refresh) ; } function launch_support_1_1() { var request_url_1_1 = "http://livesupport.passkey.cc/kc/phplive/request.php?l=strong&x=1&deptid=1&page="+url ; newwin = window.open( request_url_1_1, unique, 'scrollbars=no,menubar=no,resizable=0,location=no,screenX=50,screenY=100,width=450,height=350' ) ; newwin.focus() ; DoClose() ; } function WriteChatDiv() { var scroll_image = new Image ; scroll_image.src = "http://livesupport.passkey.cc/kc/phplive/scroll_image.php?x=1&l=strong&"+unique ; output = "
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 close window 
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