English 252 Power Point Modernist Project


The following sections of our Norton Vol. F will be divided among class members:

1) The Twentieth Century and After: Historical Background, pp. 1827-1834 (7 pp.).

2) Poetry, pp. 1834-1838 (4 pp.).

3) Fiction, pp. 1838-1843 (5 pp.).

4) Drama, pp. 1843-1847 (4 pp.).

5) "Modernist Manifestos": pp. 1996-1998, "F.S. Flink and Ezra Pound," pp. 2003-2007, and "An Imagist Cluster," pp. 2007-2009 (8 pp.) Some of this is very short poems, so the segment isn't as long as it looks.

6) "Modernist Manifestos": "Blast," pp. 2009-2015, and "Mina Loy," pp. 2015-2019. [Instructor will take this one.]


Instructions and Audience

After being assigned your particular section of our Norton material on Modernism and the 20th century, re-read that section extra carefully. Then put together a Power Point slide show which illumates the key points of your section for yourself and your classmates. Include in your project at least one meaningful use of sources beyond our text. That is, include something which isn't found in our readings but which seems interesting and relevant to your topic.

You should try to use at least a couple of Power Point's special resources, such as clip art, custom animations, etc. Length is flexible, but let's just say that it should probably be at least 5 slides. Create this piece so that it works as a stand-alone show. That is, make it complete enough that we don't need you there to narrate and clarify things as we watch it. It would be good, however, to include some narration when you present the piece to the class. Provide a title, helpful transitions, and some sense of introduction and conclusion.

Remember that you want to assist the class (and yourself) in understanding the *key points* of your reading.

Also, take care to avoid plagiarism. Don't lift material from the text and just plunk it into your work. Quote or paraphrase your material appropriately. The whole point here is to grapple with the assignment and learn to articulate key ideas and information yourself. (Paraphrasing is great—It forces you to read very closely and really internalize the material.)



  • To give you practice with close reading, text marking, and summarizing skills.
  • To help you grasp and retain key information in our readings.
  • To gain an alternate, visual perspective on our Norton materials.



Note: this is a "Daily Work" assignment. See our Homepage for details.

Slide show must be at least 5 slides in length.

Key points from the assigned reading must be accurately presented.

Information from the text must be properly quoted or fully paraphrased.

At least a couple of Power Point's resources should be used—graphics, sound, animation, etc. Extra attention to these effects is encouraged but not mandatory. Evaluation will weigh the overall effort, looking at both the verbal component and the "effects" component.

All written material must be edited and proofread.



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