Oral Performance Assignment
As part of your experience with British Literature, you'll complete three brief "performances" for the class. That is, you'll read at the front of the room a complete work or selections from a work to help us hear the piece, and to gain acquaintance with its oral and performance dimensions. You'll also see how performing a piece in fact is always already an interpretation of it. You may pick from any work in our textbooks, but you should choose something which you think will benefit from a live rendering, has rich, spoken, or otherwise interesting sounds or theatrical qualities.
- Make an enlarged copy of the materials you'll read, so that you don't have to "read down" into the page.
- Mark lines or passages which need extra emphasis; provide special marks for shifts in tone, volume, feeling, etc.
- Look up definitions and correct pronounciation of unfamiliar words.
- Feel free to involve the audience in small ways.
Late Performances
You may complete a late performance only under these conditions: 1) you must get ample notes from classmates in order to aquire and understand assignment; 2) you must include a note which explains what the assignment is, when it was due, and why it's late; 3) you perform the material no later than a week from its original due date. All conditions must be met.
Evaluation Criteria
- Your performance should not be shorter than 3 minutes.
- You must read slowly, with good voice projection and audience eye contact.
- You should read with understanding and feeling.
- You should include a brief intro., discussing the reasons for your choice, some background on the piece which the class may not know, reasons for your patricular interpretation, and/or any information you deem important to prepare your audience.
- Extra credit goes to performances which make use of props, additional media, or acting skills. Feel free to be as creative and bold as you like here; you don't have to just stand and read. A mixed-media event can bring out buried qualities in a work, or help us to hear/see it in new ways.
- Extra credit alternately or additionally goes to memorized performances, which may be less than 3 minutes (but at least a half-page in length). If in doubt about the length of your choice, see me to discuss.
- Extra credit alternately or additionally goes to performances which show exceptional understand and/or feeling.
Total points possible for three performances: 10 (10% of semester total)
#1 = 2 pts.
A = 2
B = 1.75
C = 1.25
D = 1
#2 and #3= 4 pts.
A = 4
B = 3.5
C = 3
D = 2.5
A = All criteria met very well. Performance also includes some extra credit work (see "Evaluation Criteria"), and/or special understanding and feeling or a particularly original interpretation.
B = Most criteria met well and/or some met very well.
C = Most criteria met poorly to adequately, and/or one or two well with most poorly or not at all.
D = Most criteria met poorly, and/or one or two adequately and most not at all.
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