End-of-Semester Portfolio

English 262, Spring, 2010

Due: no later than midnight, Friday, May 14th


Your portfolio will be a large manilla envelope which includes the following:

  1. Your learning log, stapled or clipped. Include a cover page.
  2. A print-out selection of your 5 best BB Thurs. pieces, stapled or clipped. Again, include a cover page. (I will score this set of 5, but still be looking over your entire BB Thurs. work in determining your final grade.)
  3. Your finished essay, stapled or clipped, and attached to at least one rough draft. See the essay assignment itself for full instructions.
  4. A 1-3 page reflective letter to me, stapled or clipped, which does the following:
    • Explains any trouble or contingencies you've experienced this semester in completing your course work.
    • Explains what you believe you've learned in the class. Try to address both general and specific kinds of info.
    • Explains briefly how a course in American Lit since the Civil War has (or has not) contributed to your understanding of literature generally.

    Your letter should be typed and double-spaced, with standard MLA letter format and reasonable proofreading. You're free to be quite casual in tone and diction, though. Just imagine that you're talking directly to me.


Each item in your portfolio will be scored separately:

  • Learning Log = max. of 30 pts.
  • BB Thurs. Work = max of 20 pts.
  • Essay = max of 30 pts.
  • The portfolio as a whole = 20 pts. (5 pts for presentation of each item).



You MUST include on the front of your envelope: 1) Your home address; and 2) sufficient postage.

Any portfolios which don't include that material will be used to make a bonfire on the third floor of South Engineering at the end of finals week. I'll invite all my friends over for a weenie-roast.



Bring your envelope to SE 318 (the English Annex, South Engineering). Put it in a labeled box on the floor just outside of the annex, OR put it in my mailbox, located just in front of you when you enter the annex, OR slip it under my office door, OR put it on my desk if my office is open.

Keep in mind that South Engineering may be locked at night.



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