Short Collaborative Critical Essay

This will count as an extra important "Daily Work" assignment, Nov. 15-29.

Due date: Thurs., Nov. 29th


Purpose and Instructions

To give you a better understanding of the theory you'll be using for your major long essay (or just any one theory that you think may be of use to you in your future life), you will join one or two of your classmates in writing a short collaborative piece on Fight Club. You will need to do the following:

  1. Review the questions a theorist would ask about the novel using your chosen critical lens.
  2. Put together an outline or summary of your essay.
  3. Divide up sections of the essay—each group member taking a specific part. You may also wish to assign certain tasks: time-keeper, typist, contact point person, leader, snack supplier, class presenter/reporter, etc. Be sure these are divided to everyone's satisfaction.
  4. Focus, organize, and develop your essay with plenty of detail. Provide a clear thesis and support it with ample reasoning, evidence, sources. Focus and develop your paragraphs, and include helpful transitions--especially between sections written by different group members. (You want to be sure the whole piece is unified and coherent.)
  5. All group members must share in editing and proofing the whole work.
  6. All group members' names must appear on the essay. Provide a title and pagination. Staple all materials.
  7. All group members will fill out the anonymous peer rating sheet below, telling me how well each person contributed to the group effort. Everyone in your group will receive the same amount of credit, except when I have evidence that any member did not contribute equally or responsibly to the total effort.


Evaluation Criteria

Your essay must accurately apply the theory in question. It must have a clear central claim (thesis), backed by plenty of detail, evidence, sources, reasoning, or other kinds of support. It should have a clear beginning, middle, and ending, with standard, helpful paragraph and sentence transitions. (Pay special attention to transitions between the segments which different group members have completed; you want to be sure the whole piece coheres and flows together well.) Finally, the essay should be edited for clarity and concision and proofread for mechanical errors of any kind. Use MLA format wherever necessary, and be sure to hand in your peer rating sheets separate from the essay.

Check-plus = exceptionally well-done. Meets all of the criteria stated above especially well: clearly, thoroughly, and accurately.

Check = meets all or most of the criteria stated above. Some may be met somewhat weakly; some extra well.

Check-minus = meets some of the criteria stated above. Some may be met poorly or not at all; some well.

Minus = does not meet most of the stated criteria, or meets all poorly to very poorly.



Cut here



Your name ____________________________________________.

Rate your group members and yourself according to the numerical system below. Do not show this info. to anyone but your instructor.

1 = Excellent; contributed very well to this project. Very good understanding of the theory in question, attended all meetings, showed initiative, creativity, and insight; came to meetings extra well prepared; showed courtesy and respect.

2 = Good; contributed reasonably well. Understood the theory in question or made a very clear effort to understand it; attended all meetings; came prepared; participated adequately in discussion.

3 = Fair; contributed somewhat; may have missed a meeting but did stay in touch; did required work but with minimal noticable effort; preparation was adequate if somewhat lacking; somewhat quiet and passive or somewhat domineering, distracting, and/or discourteous.

4 = Weak; did not show up and/or did not stay in contact with other group members and/or was not prepared (did not read the assignments, did not have needed materials). Did not apply noticable effort.


Group Member


Your Rating and Comments





















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