Viewing Fight Club through Multiple Critical Lenses: Group Summaries of Hypothetical Interpretive Essays



Points possible:  7  (A =7; B = 6; C = 5; D = 4)  When I evaluate your work, I’ll take into consideration the relative difficulty of your assigned theory.


Due date: no later than 6pm, Mon., Nov. 13th, by Word email attachment.



Instructions:  each group will be assigned one of the critical theories we’ve studied so far. Your group should meet at their chosen time and place (we have IACC 128 reserved during our class time), and do the following:


  1. Discuss/review the theory you’ve been assigned.

  2. Brainstorm/discuss how that theory can be applied to Fight Club.

  3. Write up a 1-2 page, typed summary (in Microsoft Word) of a possible critical essay which interprets Fight Club through the assigned lens.

  4. Include names of group members.

  5. Edit and proofread your work for clarity and mechanical correctness.


  1. Email me your work as a Word attachment. Don’t use Works or WordPerfect.



Your summary should include the following:


    • A title which makes evident what theory you are applying and to what work.


    • A comprehensive thesis statement; the central or “umbrella” assertion which everything in the essay supports or points to.


    • Clear claims in support of that thesis.


    • Ample grounds (details—summarized—in support of your claims).