English 271, Fall 2005, Nichols

Self Profile


1) Please provide me with:

Your name:

Your email address (I much prefer NDSU addresses):

Your major:

Your phone #:

Your age:

Your hometown:

Your favorite interests and hobbies:




2) Tell me a bit about your English background: what English courses have you had at NDSU (or other colleges) so far? What courses do you tend to like best and/or do well in? What English instructors at NDSU have you had? What do you primarily like to read and write? Favorite books? Authors? Genres?






3) Put a check by any of the following titles which you have read or seen. If the "novel and film" follows the title, indicate whether you've read the novel or seen the film, or both.


_____The Great Gatsby (novel)

_____White Oleander (novel and film)

_____Fight Club (novel and film)

_____Modern Times (film, Charlie Chaplin director)

_____"A Good Man is Hard to Find" (short story; Flannery O'Connor)

_____"Everything that Rises Must Converge" (" " ")


3) What do you expect to learn in this class, and what is your understanding of "literary analysis"?







4) Do you have any questions for me?




