English 357 Schedule

Fall 2011
Visual Language and Culture

Last updated: September 9, 2011

After each date below you'll find a reading and possibly a writing assignment due by the start of that class session. You may also see a summary of tentative class activities. (Readings assignments and most due dates are firm; the "In Class" info, however, is always tentative and subject to revision.)

Please keep in mind that this schedule is FLEXIBLE; I'll be adding details and making tweaks as we go along. That's why it's important that you CHECK IT REGULARLY.

If you miss a class, please do the following: 1) FIRST check this schedule as well as Blackboard (Power Point presentations, especially) to inform yourself; 2) NEXT contact a couple classmates for full notes and instructions; 3) THEN see me if necessary, with specific, informed questions about what you missed.  (You're expected to be prepared for each class meeting, whether you missed the previous one or not.) 

For questions about course material, concerns about your class standing, etc., feel free to email me anytime: Cindy Nichols.

Tues. Aug. 23/Thurs. 25 —

Course introduction. Introductory Power Point.

First Things First:

For our first week, you need to do several things:

    1. Explore our Blackboard:
      • Click on Course Info and read that page very carefully. Note: you should hold off on this until about Monday.
    2. Create your Personal Thread.
      • Go into the Weekly Cyber Class board, find your section, click on the green "Thread" button, type "YourName's Personal Thread" on the Subject line, and click "Submit."
    3. Read instructions for your first cyber class: in the Weekly Cyber Class board, click on "Weekly Instructions," then the date for this week. Follow the posted instructions.
    4. Look over our first Power Point presentation: Introduction to this Course.

Don't ever hesitate to email me with questions or concerns: Cindy.Nichols@ndsu.edu

Tues. Aug. 30 /Thurs. Sept. 1 —

Before Class

  • Study Power Points in Blackboard: Introduction to this Course.
  • Create Personal Thread.
  • Find instructions for each week's cyber class in our Blackboard Weekly Cyber Class board.      
  • Read Gitlin, Chapters 1 and 2.             

In Class

  • Go over any problems with personal threads, textbooks, Power Points, and readings.
  • Discuss Gitlin: thesis, key statements.
  • "TV" slam poetry performance.
  • Cyber assignment and rest of class period: defamiliarizing the torrent.

Tues. Sept. 6/Thurs. Sept. 8 —

Before Class

  • Read Gitlin, Chaps. 3 & 4.   
  • Find instructions for this week's cyber work, as always, in our Weekly Cyber Work area of Bb. Complete the assignment and post to your Personal Thread.

In Class

  • Defamiliarization reports.
  • "TV" slam poetry performance.
  • Navigation styles.
  • A peak at first project?


Tues. Sept. 13/Thurs. Sept. 15 —

Before Class

  • Work on short essay identifying what "navigational type" you believe yourself to be.
  • Read Gitlin's final chapter.

In Class

  • Wrap up Gitlin.
  • Discuss essays.
  • Assignment for Project #1.


Tues. Sept. 20/Thurs. Sept. 22 —

Before Class

  • Study Design Fundamentals PPT
  • Identify medium for Project #1
  • Read sample memoirs, TBA.

In Class

  • Work with memoir genre.
  • Examine outlines.
  • View samples.
  • Storyboarding/outlining.

Tues. Sept. 27/Thurs. Sept. 29 —

Before Class

  • Complete draft of memoir and post to Bb.

In Class

  • Memoir critiques.

Tues. Oct. 4/Thurs. Oct. 6 —

Before Class

  • Read McCloud, pp. TBA.
  • Read Brunetti, pp. TBA.

In Class

  • Begin discussion of graphic fiction.

Tues. Oct. 4/Thurs. Oct. 6 —

Before Class

  • Read McCloud, pp. TBA.
  • Read Brunetti, pp. TBA.

In Class

  • Final Version Visual Memoir due in Bb.
  • Continue analysis of graphic fiction. \

Tues. Oct. 11/Thurs. Oct. 13 —

Before Class

  • Read McCloud, pp. TBA.
  • Read Brunetti, pp. TBA

In Class

  • Continue analysis of graphic fiction.
  • Assignment for Project #2.

Tues. Oct. 18/Thurs. Oct. 20 —

Before Class

  • Begin storyboard for Project #2.
  • Read Kalman, pp. TBA.

In Class

  • Discuss Kalman.
  • Examine rough storyboards.

Tues. Oct. 25/Thurs. Oct. 27 —

Before Class

  • Complete draft of storyboard.

In Class

  • Critiques of Project #2 draft.

Tues. Nov. 1/Thurs. Nov. 3 —

Before Class

  • Research discipline-specific project possibilities.

In Class

  • Assignment for Project #3.
  • Examine samples of Project #3.
  • Instructions for interviews.

Tues. Nov. 8/Thurs. Nov. 10 —

Before Class

  • Complete interviews.

In Class

  • Final Version Graphic Fiction due in Bb.
  • Extracting topi, media, approaches for Project #3.

Tues. Nov. 15/Thurs. Nov. 17 —

Before Class

  • Complete rough draft of Project #3.

In Class

  • Critiques of Project #3 drafts.

Tues. Nov. 22/Thurs. Nov. 24 —

Before Class

  • Complete final draft of Project #3.

In Class

  • Final Version Discipline-Specific Project due in Bb.
  • Assignment for Portfolio.
  • Discuss Portfolios.
  • Examine sample reflective letters.
  • Brief conferencing.

Tues. Nov. 29/Thurs. Dec. 1 —

Before Class

  • Work on Portfolios.

In Class

  • Draft of Portfolio due in Bb.
  • Conferencing.

Tues. Dec. 6/Thurs. Dec. 8 —

Before Class

  • Complete final draft of Portfolio.

Special Office Hours, TBA.

  • Walk-in conferencing.

  • Portfolio due no later than 11:59 pm, Tues. Dec. 6 (TUESDAY SECTION).
  • Portfolio due no later than 11:59 pm, Thurs. Dec. 8 (THURSDAY SECTION).

Late Portfolios will only be accepted in cases of severe hardship or emergency. You must present documentation of the hardship.


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