Selections from Class Views on Art


in my opinion, art is a form of expression. it is a way to relieve tension and anger


If there was no art we would be a pretty depressed country.


Good art to me is art that expresses true emotion and comes from the heart


If the "skill level" isn't as 'high' as someone elses... that doesn't matter, if you write something that expresses your feelings and lets you release your thoughts and emotions, it is beautiful


I like art that is different and not well known. Random art is my favorite. Things like when people paint things that looks like something a four-year old made is always entertaining.


For something to be good art, it has to produce some sort of feeling inside you, it's meaning is hidden behind its first glance. Art needs to be thought's a language within itself. The next time you find yourself in front of a painting, even if the painting isn't a famous one, look at it for what it is and think about what it means.


Art to me is a way to express what you feel inside without having to actually outright say how you feel...I feel that art is a way to open doors into somebody else's mind and see what truly goes on in their heads!!!!


My definition of art is paintings in which you can see a hidden picture inside the bigger original picture.


It reaches within us and can take something from the deepest parts of our souls and change it into something that will impact thousands...


what many people see as "good" art is that art which communicates the thoughts and feelings of the artist most clearly and starkly...


To me, art is anything that appeals to my senses.


Something that conveys a message that doesn't enterain people but makes them aware of a problem or an injustice is also a form of art.


Art is for lots of different things. It can be for entertainment, a type of meditation for the artist, to help people know that someone out there has the same problems or issues and that they are not alone.


Be careful... we might anihilate one another... oooohhhh Baracuda... Art is THIS! Art is THAT! Art is anything you as an individual want it to be. remember that!


Art is the representation of life and love (and everything it involves) in abstract means.

Damn I should of stretched that out..

Regretfully Yours,

Cory Alexander Cwiak