Collaborative Poems by Connor Mills and Ryan Swanson

(aka Ronnoc and Nayr)


Johnsonville Louisiana, a Quaint Town in a Quant World with Nothing to Hide Part II

Hey hey hey I’m just a guy
My name is Steve and I’m a pi-rate
I live in a ship way up in the sky
My mom is Italian and says oh-mi-oh-my…that’s a moiré

Do do do Dan just walked in
Altoid mints often come in a tin
But they can’t make any elephants thin
Because the ratio of calories is nine to ten

Nudd Dunn ate a whole orange
Cuz the store had no porridge
But it had a dingy dinge
So he sued for an entire ben-jamin

I once knew a great big elephant
He spoke at a national laywer’s convent- tion
But he wasn’t able to fit in the tent
Because he was fat on altoid mints, fools


World with Nothing to Hide

I’m a pirate and my name is Steve
Don’t tell anyone
I never applied for onshore leave
Don’t tell anyone
I have a nasty allergy to honeybees
Don’t tell anyone
That last rhyme didn’t rhyme with –eve
Don’t tell anyone


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