Author Biographies


Krista Carson

Hi! My name is Krista Carson. I live on a ranch in Grassy Butte. I am 16 years old and am going to be in the 11th grade next year at Watford City High School. In school I have been involved in cheerleading, volleyball, and FCCLA. I like to hunt, fish, go to movies, go bowling, shop, camp, and hang out with my friends. I decided to take creative writing so I could expand my knowledge of different writing styles and how you can apply them in many ways. Throughout the creative writing class I have learned how to write flash fiction stories quickly, which took a lot of pressure off trying to make the story sound perfect the first time. The thing I enjoyed the most of this class was the workshop time we spent looking at everyone's work. Some of the pieces I've written are still in progress, like "Mirrors."


Tyler Mills

I am Tyler Mills and I was in Gov School's creative writing program in 2002. I am from DesLacs, which is a small town about ten miles outside of Minot. I am going to be a Jr. next year and I will be attending Magic City High School. I enjoy writing most kinds of short fiction, and I found out that I like writing poetry too when I took this class. I get many things out of my writing like a way to let my feelings out without killing someone or at the very least causing them to harbor some ill will against me. The best thing I get out of writing is, of course, the simple joy of actually doing it. Its just plain fun to sit down for an hour and come out of it with something that you can actually keep and look at.


Sarah Walters

Hello! My name is Sarah Elizabeth Walters. I'm from the mighty town of Grafton. I am 16 and my birthday is on July 28.I am going to be a senior next year. My interest in Creative Writing was to get a better understanding of short stories, and just to write more than just poetry.

I summited a flash fiction story about a guy named Billy Bob, I will admit flash fiction isn't my favorite thing to write or my best thing I write, but it was fun and new for me. I got my idea for the flash fiction, because I am from Arkansas and like to write about the south when I have nothing I can think of. I lived there until I was three, I learned to talk down there so you can still hear my accent a little. But I visit down there a lot so that is where I got my idea for the flash fiction.

What I hope to be when I graduate is become a Lawyer or an Accountant, but on the side I would really enjoy being a published poet.


Josiah Jenkins

After saving the world from a giant lizard monster, I decided to live the life of a regular kid. I enjoy writing poetry and short stories especially, and was excited to take creative writing to expand his horizons….much as I expanded the belly of the evil slug-beast until it reached bursting point. The pieces I have submitted for the web book concern perception, both for ourselves, and also how we perceive others. I enjoy writing both as a chance to express myself, but more so, as a way to put my bizarre imagination to work. Even above all that, sometimes I just need a break from saving the world from strange Japanese-movie style creatures


Elizabeth Dobis

Hi! My name is Liz, and I'm from Fargo. I attend Fargo South, and I participate in the Math program here at Governor's School. I love to read and write it is one of my forms of expression. I have noticed that I write things I know and like my favorite books. I love to read historical fiction, so I have a tendency to write things set in the past. The pieces that are here in the web book are what I have written in my spare time here at Governor's School, which isn't much. I worked hard on them and most are works in progress. Overall, I think my pieces are like me, usually very straight and somewhat creative with little specks of comedy intertwined. I hope you enjoy reading them.


Ryan Liffrig

I live on a farm outside of Mandan ND. I am in the Governor's School for Business and have really been enjoying my time here. I took creative writing because I have not done very much fiction or poetry writing and I wanted to get some fiction. I experience writing enjoy writing fiction because it is interesting to see as you are writing how the people and places you are creating come together. My work in this web book is mostly done but I plan to submit some pieces in the future that I have had more time to work on.


Mayuree Rao

Hello, I'm Mayuree Rao, and I'm going to be a senior at Fargo North High School next year. I have been in the math section of governor's school this summer, and creative writing class was definitely a welcome break from the (sometimes) painful math I learned all day. I took creative writing during governor's school because I've always liked to write, but have always been too much of a pansy to actually take a class on it. I'm definitely glad I did, however; I've had an excellent time with it. I will write almost anything, but I spend most of my time writing poetry. I've really enjoyed my time at governor's school, and I hope you all like the writing here!


Brittany Jablonsky

Hi, what's up? I am going to be a junior at South Heart High School, and if you don't know where South Heart is, it is 10 miles west of Dickinson. I live on a farm, which is fun most of the time. I am in speech, drama, jazz band, madrigals (it's a small acapella mixed vocal group), piano, volleyball, basketball, and probably some other stuff I forgot to mention. I'm a Libra, just in case you believe in that sort of thing. I had a ton of fun this summer at Governor's School, and I learned a lot. I took creative writing because I have always been writing stuff, but I wanted to make it better and learn if anything I was writing was actually any good or not (I still don't really know…). Most of the stuff in here is in progress or was written specifically for this class, so if it seems unfinished, it probably is. I would love to write music someday, so we'll see how that turns out. So anyway, that is basically my life in paragraph form.


The Life and Times Of Tyler Nantt

I was born at a young age, but I have succeeded in growing up much older than I once was and so consider myself a success even if the rest of your ages are larger than mine. I know live in Wishek with my wondrous parents, Lyle and Heidi Nantt, younger brother Josh, and even younger sister Rachel. I would like to pretend I joined "Creative Writing" for the sheer thrill of writing or even from being able to learn from my wise teacher, Cindy Nichols, but in all truth I joined because I figured it would be the least complicated of all the subjects in the fine arts category. If Governor School has taught me nothing else, it has taught how business can be applied to everything, including writing…