For all of our course materials, go to this web site:



Creative Writing Course Information
Governor's School 2002

Instructor: Cindy Nichols
Office: SE 318F    Phone:  231-7024

Aims and Activities

This segment of your Governor's School experience is dedicated to free exploration into whatever kind of writing you like:  poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction, literary comics, autobiography, hypertext (Web writing), etc.  We'll devote roughly three weeks of in-class activities to fiction, and another three weeks to poetry, but you are free to submit any sort of "creative writing" for your critique and chapbook that you wish.  Class activities will include discussion of occasional readings (stories and poems available on the Internet or as handouts), workshop critiques of each other's work, in-class exercises, a possible film, publication in the Governors School yearbook, and a class reading the final week.

The culmination of our six weeks will be a small electronic chapbook collection of the whole group's work (about one to three pieces per student).  A flier for the chapbook will be printed up and distributed to all of the Governor's School participants and families.


Please bring to each meeting a pen and a binder (or notebook with loose-leaf paper and pockets).  Have handy a zip or floppy disk, an email account, and access to Microsoft Word.

Other materials for the course are available by clicking  Here.


Everyone will submit at least one work for workshop critique by the group, and everyone will submit at least one edited and polished piece for the chapbook.  Whenever you are ready to have one of your own pieces discussed, print out ___ copies and bring them to class.

You will also be expected to:

  read any assigned poems or stories and be prepared to discuss them in class;
 complete possible short exercises (some open and some structured);
 participate in group discussion of your classmates' work;
 attend our class reading the final week of the term;
 submit work to the yearbook (information on this is pending).


If you ever have any questions or concerns, feel free to e-mail me at  or you may call me at 231-7024 or 236-8233.

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