Work by Iris Rafferty


Governor's School Memories

Summer is winding down
It's halfway over and speeding
Toward the finish.
Four days only,
Then we will leave our home
After we have spent so much time.

We were thrown together
Confined to campus,
And to our dorms at night.
We all missed home the first few days.
Then a week went by,
And another.

Some were so busy they forgot to call home.
Suddenly our home was split,
We belonged here just as much
With our friends
As with our family.

We were getting up early
Although a few often overslept.
Friendships formed quickly
And laughter was inevitable,
But tears were not strange to us either.

There were classes, trips, games, and discussions.
Before we knew it we were going home,
Just for a week.
During that time
We caught up on sleep,
And hometown gossip.

We returned sooner than expected,
But it was not the same.
One was missing.

The end became apparent,
Two more weeks was not enough.
Our final weekend together,
Sunshine and smiles were everywhere
Even when the canoe tipped.

The final days are filled with studying,
Presentations, and long nights.
Graduation draws near
But there are a few fleeting moments to enjoy
Before the final morning,
When we will separate.




Darkened skies corrupt the day
With clouds pressing down,
Boiling in a smoky haze.

Obese drops of water
Splash onto the earth.
Falling like bricks
To dampen my spirit.