
(a contribution by Elizabeth Dobis)

Looking back on sunsets
They seem so long ago
Days drag by like dogs with two broken legs
Others fly by on golden wings
People - 60
Four weeks together as a society
Outsiders - different every week
FFA, volleyball, football, basketball, soccer
All invade our WDC
Trips all over Minnesota
Ropes and nature, the Twin Cities, and Moorhead city streets
Work, homework, reports - never stopping
Sleep? Who needs sleep?
Cliff got 0 hours
Bonding like dentures to an old day's decaying gums
L & L - Oh Boy
Joe & Sue - What a team
Outrageous Oranges
Curious Greens
Organized Golds
Caring Blues
Which are you?
We have fabulous prizes
CANDY, cars
Business, Math, Science
Three separate things
Rubik's Cube
Break, long luscious break
No homework, No rules
Back, but only 59
One is gone
Canoes, Church
Tip, tip, reeds
A talent show
Nervous, viola, 'N Sync
Aaaahhhhhh! It's Matt the bodyguard!
Wrestlers, Wrestlers, Wrestlers
Get some manners will ya boys?
Air conditioning, we NEED air conditioning
Almost over, just days to go
Time is passing quickly
I'll never get to know such interesting people
Look to the future,
Our time is short
A beautiful life awaits us
Keep in touch!
Goodbye, goodbye, just days to go
Cherish every moment
Strengthen ties
Finish all you homework!
Almost there, you can make it
Never forget a fingerprint on your life
Great times, great times
Goodbye, goodbye
Till tomorrow