Three Poems by Tyler Mills



You were told this and that
By him, he, and his trap
And you heard undeniably beautiful things

They were flashy and bold
They never got cold
And they carried you straight through the night

But you lingered still longer
And found to your horror
That honey at its very best still stings

That as it may be
To you, me, or she
There is no reason to scuffle or fight

Every story has its end
And for yourself you can fend
Or if not stay with me for a while

And I will never give you occasion to hear
All those beautiful, undeniable things,
That sound so ugly heard clear.


Peaches, juicy as they seem to be
Are generally, factually, attached to a tree
They try all their lives to fall from their perch

And finally they do with a sickening lurch
Plummeting soaring however you put it
They are soon to be eaten or put into storage

Either way they will sit,
Rotting slowly to pit
While the men go about their lives

The peach sitting there
All covered in hair
Will never become any wiser.


It grows like a thundering old gospel hymn
Shooting straight up for a while
It then seems to end
Straining at the limit of its verse

Its trouble most likely lays
In its illogical effects on the side
To iron out all those wrinkle free clothes
And more often then not to cause leaking

The benefits it arouses are also due
To these odd little off side results
Its striking tendency to unhook a brain
And the way it tucks dreams in your head

Maybe all this did not catch you
As anything of much import
If that is so just wait a bit
There are still a few words more

The heart of this, that I ramble about
Is really not one of these things
Its not happy or sad or unique in its way
But I think it does do it some justice

The heart of the rose
Lies quite obviously in the nose
Now don't you feel a bit silly?