Jennie Johnson...

who is currently a junior in high school, lives in North Dakota with her parents, two brothers, and sister.  She began writing in fifth grade, but "Though the Thunder Rolls" is the first of her work to be published.  She aspires to become a mainstream author, but besides writing, she also enjoys reading historical fiction and fantasy novels, spending time with friends, and actively pursueing a deeper understanding of the Christian faith.  Her motto in life is 1 Timothy 4:12, "Do not let anyone look down upon you because you are young, but set an example for believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith, and in purity."


Adeeti Katti...

is going to be a junior at Fargo North High School. She loves reading and writing and can be caught doing either or both at almost any time of the day. She especially enjoys mystery novels and poetry. She is originally from India, and loves Indian food and dance.


Kyle Novak...

is a senior at Grafton High School. He enjoys hunting, fishing, camping, and working at Pizza Hut.


Luther Tegtmeier...

is from Hunter, ND and attended Governor's School for
math. Science Fiction and Fantasy are his favorite genres. But, he enjoys
reading and writing stories of all kinds. The following stories need not
be analyzed for some deeper meaning or metaphor...or grammar for that


Jason Zundel...


is a 17 year old student at Ellendale Public High School. He enjoys playing video games, reading science fiction, and learning about history. He lives near Forbes, North Dakota

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