Josh Hazer



Take a Stand


Some days it seems like I'm losing my mind

And on others I'm gaining great power

I knew I was obscure and just one-of -a-kind

Now they want me as the man of the hour

I can tear down the world with the strings on my fingers

Or the lightning crackling through my eyes and ears

They won't ever try to stop me, they couldn't if they tried

But my mercy gives no reason for them to fear

While my mind lurks in the darkness my heart is shining bright

I bask in clouds of shadow but compassion always makes it right

Until the proud fall and the hypocrites are scourged

Only silence can conserve me or destruction shall emerge

I once led a life of anger and my path was drowned in sin

Here I know that I'm a monster but my demons cannot win

Evil mangles those around me but I keep Good in my hands

Vicious desires always hound me but I leave them in the sand

If the masses see the goodness they can find the promised land

Wickedness won't die until we all take a stand



Dreams in Sickness


My brain pummels the back of my eyes

And bashes my skull with its pulse

A chill runs down my arms and neck

And causes my skin to convulse

Sleep brings little solace

The cold remains with me

I’m alone in a dark shapeless cell

Til a friend comes to lift me

From this nightmare of fear

My paranoia will not be quelled

The room waxes and wanes

And I fear for my life

But the sickness this night can’t dispel



People in this World


Danny would tell a woman he had never met, who he had only seen in a 2 inch squared photo on the internet that she was a fat and revolting whore. He would tell a guy from his school who he barely knew how he would be a virgin for the rest of his life. He would accuse another of homosexuality. None of the people he called his friends would defend him if he was insulted behind his back or act as if they liked him. He cursed out a girl 3 years younger than him for bumping into his car, even though she had caused no damage.

A month after Christmas he was found dead after purposefully overdosing on sleeping pills. His brother Travis found him, stunned by what he saw, but not surprised. The venomous life of his brother flashed before him in his mind. He recalled the words of Puzo, "There are people in this world who scream 'kill me'. There's always someone willing to oblige them." This time, that person was willing to oblige himself. Travis wept from his own disgust, not that his brother would never feel again, but that he was glad retribution had found Danny.




Kolok Chronicles Vol. 1


“Kolok, wake up!” screamed the voice from his ring.  Kolok sprang out of his chair and fell on his back, unaware of what Norna, his so-called ‘clairvoyant’ ring was going crazy for.  “A Outerbeast is being summoned!  Get to the teleporter now!”  He scrambled to the glowing, misshapen shrine to his left, still unaware of how he was to handle the situation.

Kolok had grown up a lower middle class boy in the the seaside city of Elbamanath, and was widely thought of by his peers as one the most intelligent person of his age they had ever met.  He had often experienced a sense of heightened awareness and focus whenever he became angry or nervous as a small child, but as he aged he found, when under these circumstances he could change the shape and size of objects by touching them, and used this ability whenever he was assaulted or got into a fight to procure himself a weapon. 

In his teen years he could do these things without even becoming upset, but as he grew more adept at this, his dreams were haunted by a glowing orange light which seemed to shout intimidatingly, beasts of hideous countenance, and a withered gray face with a single horn protruding from between its eyes.  These visions tormented Kolok for weeks until he noticed a ring placed by his bed.  It seemed to be composed of a dull greenish-gray metal set with a spiky, faintly glowing orange stone which pulsated as though it had a heartbeat.  An odd compulsion arose in him to touch it, to put it on, as if everything in the world could be his by that action.  The moment it touched his finger, it seemed to speak, telling him to step outside and look directly at the moons.  He snuck downstairs and out the door and stared up at the sky where, to his amazement, the two moons seemed to swirl with an array of colors and bond together; they came nearer and nearer to him, it appeared, but when he looked around him, he saw it was in fact him who was being pulled into them.

He felt himself almost being consumed and enveloped by color, but gradually it began to fade and he found himself lying on the floor of a gargantuan domelike room with faint blue orbs of light protruding from the ceiling and whitish gray rock walls.  “Get up!”  the ring shouted, sounding as if it were in some sort of hurry.  Still unsure of how to handle the situation, Kolok got to his feet and walked hasteningly to the end of the room, where a curious stone statue stood.  It was a truly bizarre sight, appearing to be a man with six very long arms and a pair of sickeningly withered legs, thick masses of hair reaching down to just below his shoulders, dull, dark green eyes, a mustache hanging down off his face, and a neck about twice as long as a normal man’s.  Perhaps the most disturbing part of this image, however, was the lengthy horn poking out from the lower forehead between its eyes Kolok recognized from his dreams. 

Its mouth opened and let out a heavy sigh.  Rapidly it sprang up and stood on one of its arms, curling the rest beneath itself, and spoke softly and slowly to him. 

"I have sat here for a millenium awaiting the return of my descendant and the rise of ethereal forces in this world.  You and your ancestors are my children sent by me unto the planet for the purpose of guarding it from those who would use magic and other supernatural forces for purposes of the instability of the world, and are set to guard it as an agent of the Maker of the Gigaverse." 

Kolok stood in awe of this thing what and had to say, but was largely ignorant of what much of it meant.  The statue, for a second, seemed to notice this, and spoke with Kolok for what seemed like several hours about the nature of his powers how they became stronger with strong emotion but would grow over time, how magic, for some reason unbeknownst even to him, was again growing into a prevalent force in the world, which was why he was the first to be called here, and how the Maker of the universe had not created only one, but millions, perhaps billions, each with their own planets and laws of natural order.  He was to prevent genocide and other disasters caused by malevolent or irresponsible use of magic and punish those accountable.

"Pay heed to Norna, your clairvoyant ring, and take my vessel as an instrument of your might" were its last words before its eyes went to white, its skin filled with hundreds of tiny cracks, and it shattered to reform itself into a meter-long staff, complete with a great emerald and spike at the top.  Kolok picked it up and stared at it, not sure what to think of it, or of anything it said, for that matter.  He tried to yell at the ring for some advice, but was rewarded only with silence.  Not knowing what else to do, he set off to explore the room and search for something interesting or revelatory.  All he found was four twisted columns arranged in a square around a circle in the ground by a dull gray sphere and a large, impressive looking chair.  "This is the throne of the Astral Fortress and its teleporter." said the ring, again not responding to any questions Kolok had asked.  Although frustrated by the ring, he was rather impressed by the idea of himself receiving a 'throne', and sat in it, finding it to be, surprisingly, much more comfortable than it appeared.  He had not been in it for more than a minute before he sank into the most relaxing sleep he had ever had. 

The next conscious thought he had was wondering what an Outerbeast was. 

The teleporter had taken him to a plain covered with dark orange grass at dusk, His paranoia had caused his heightened awareness to kick in, and, sensing malicious presences across a nearby hill, ran over it to investigate.  He felt as though he was floating over the ground, his feet not even touching the earth. 

At the top, a horrendous six foot boar with gaping jaws and blotchy gray fur ridden by a trio of sword-wielding goblins came charging up the hill at full speed - until they crashed into a purple force-field and were decapitated by their own swords – all at Kolok’s will.  This fate was shared by a dozen more minions of the Jotun warlock.

Upon reaching the final destination, guarded by hordes of goblin infantry, Norna decided to finally explain something.  “An Outerbeast is a highly powerful supernatural creature which actually lives a great distance away from any planets or stars, but which can be summoned by those who know how.  Very few exist, but just one could cause unheard-of devastation in a world like this.” 

The infantry was frozen solid moments later, and the Jotun warlock, a ten foot troll with a grotesque visage and lanky arms was face to face with the transformed Kolok; a figure with jet-black skin, long, flowing white hair, glowing red eyes, four arms, two massive horns growing from his temples, and, most terrifying of all, a grin that suggested an insane, murderous yet just power lurked in him.  A string of energy flowed from the Jotun’s arm and took the shape of an enormous snake, and lunged for Kolok, but it failed to meet its target and was grabbed by the neck by the wizard.  It twisted and writhed in his hands, growing many new heads and growing even bigger than it originally was, and leapt at its first summoner.  He had no chance.  He was utterly ripped apart.

Another task yet remained.  The summonation circle, fifty feet in diameter, had already been activated.  Hundreds of thousands of tiny bright particles flew down from the night sky, accumulating at the circle’s center and taking the shape of a revolting behemoth, a thick worm with hundreds of pairs of pincers and eyes and a round toothy mouth. 

Tendrils of energy like lightning poured forth from its cavernous maw, scorching and disintegrating the earth around it before its head was blown apart by Kolok’s barrage of explosive energy.  However, not ten seconds after this dire blow was dealt, pieces of its vile flesh withdrew back to it and reformed it.  Twice this was repeated until an idea flashed in Kolok’s mind.  He again vaporized its head, but as it began to reform, he took hold of some of this matter and metamorphosed it into part of a staff, and did this over and over again until, at long last, the hellbeast from the vast reaches of space was no more and in its place was a ready-to-use, extremely powerful magical object. 

Nona decided to join him again.  “Now are things a little more clear?  Because if so, there’s a vampire and his crew who just slaughtered an entire village that we need to take care of.”

            At this Kolok just grinned, and in a burst of light he was gone to combat the next major threat to mortals.


It had crawled into his head, pulled his eyes and pushed against his skull. When he slept it showed him images of people fleeing from a massive birdlike entity with a humanoid face, and monstrous masses of a transparent gel, with people and voices enveloped in its core. As he awoke the room convulsed, turning his blankets into a writhing, strangling bundle, and the closets loomed at him, taunting him with their magnitude. Even when he looked outside he heard not a soul, his friend was nowhere to be found. His only concern became when he could leave the place and go back to the normal order of the day, not fearing being trapped in a cell full of suffocating demons waiting to engulf him. At once the door swung open, light dispersed through the room, and his friend came in. It let out a cry, shriveled until it seemed almost paper thin and dissipated in the relief of its host.



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