Kristi Beaver






what a word.

What does it mean?

Why do we have a need for it?


It’s been said that love is overwhelming,

fulfilling, beautiful, endless.

Some say it’s misery just waiting to happen.

Others claim it’s a mystery that we will never figure out until we truly feel it.


Some feel the need to seek it out.

Some hope and pray they stumble upon it.

Some think it doesn’t exist.

Some consider it a game.


We consistently set ourselves up for heartbreak, even if it’s only a minor one.

We all know the ones we love will inevitably hurt us in some way, shape, or form.

So why do we desire it,

knowing full well that we will get hurt?


Dear friends, there is no answer to that question.

No one has any idea why.

Why on earth would we want to love? to be loved?

Just because we can?


No. We love because it is fate.

We cannot control it.

It’s an emotion that so completely fills you

Until you are so filled with love that it spills out to everyone near you.


Sometimes it’s hard to explain how we feel.

The right words don’t always come.

But until those words are found, all we can do is

Smile and share the love with all those around you.








In the here and now

you are there for me.

But what about the there and later on

Will you be there?


We share the good times

as well as bad times.

You know me better than I know myself.

But will you be there?


If my hopes and dreams

are shattered to bits

and I need you to pick up the pieces

Will you be there?


If I have lost all

that I have in life,

will you be the one who will stay with me?

Will you be there?


We say forever

well, for now, that is.

But when time goes by as we get older

Will you be there?


Will you always be

my joy, my laughter,

my sister, my other half, my best friend?

Will you be there?


You should know you are

my inspiration.

You light up my whole world, and just know that

I will be there





Thoughts At 3AM


            If you knew what you would be doing later on in life, would it affect what you do now? If you knew the type of person you’d become when you’re older, would it change who you are today? Or if we knew anything about our future, would we choose to believe it? Or maybe we would believe it, but we would be too apathetic to do anything about it. Or do we put too much confidence in the concept of fate?

            Fate is what keeps us going. It’s the idea that everything we are going through at the time serves a purpose and later on will be of some significance. We could win a million dollars, meet someone, have the time of your life, be in a car accident, lose a loved one, or even die tomorrow - it all depends on the fate of the individual.

            If fate is real to the fullest extent, then we have no control over what goes on in our lives. Everything happens for a reason, and every step we take in life is already planned out. Though, others may argue that fate is only the outcome, small doings leading to one major event. The ways we take to reach it don’t matter. We will inevitably do or be whatever it is that we’re destined to. This idea is like taking a road trip with someone while they are giving you directions and you have no idea where you’re going, and you may get lost along the way or choose an alternate path, but you do eventually find your way to wherever it is you‘re going. And then there are those who believe there is no such thing as fate or destiny. We go through our lives on our own wills, doing only that we feel suits our needs. We control what goes on in our lives. What we do now is our choice, and our choices could easily affect what’s in store for us in the future.

            Fate can also refer to others. Some people come into your life for a reason. They may teach you or help you with something. Though they’re only there for a short time, they still manage to make an impression in your life. And then there are those that are there for a lifetime. They come into your life, and they stay. They are with you through everything - the good and the bad. They help you to grow as a person over the years. They play a huge role in what makes you who you are and who you will be someday.

               Never take anything for granted. Welcome every new experience. Appreciate everyone in your life because they’re the ones you have formed you into the person you are today. And live for every moment. If you are too caught up in your future, or past, you won’t notice the true gift that is the present.



Goldilocks and The Three Bears: New and Improved


This is not your average, every day, watered down, happy tale here. No, this is Goldilocks and The Three Bears: New and Improved. Have you ever wondered how the original story would be changed if the characters’ personalities had been completely different? What if Goldilocks was a bully? What if the little baby Bear was gay? What if Papa Bear was a drunk and Mama Bear had an OCD about having everything in order? If any of these questions have ever crossed your mind, then this is the story for you. Ladies and gentlemen, here you have it: Goldilocks and the Three Bears: New and Improved…

Once upon a time, around 9:00 AM on August 22nd 2007 to be more specific, - mind you that’s just a guesstimation – there were three bears sitting around the table for breakfast. Papa Bear had just had his first beer of the day and starting on his second. Mama Bear had just finished her early morning house-keeping routine, the first of the daily ten, give or take, and had started making breakfast. And Jack, also known as little Baby Bear, because he refuses to be called Baby Bear due to the fact that he’s not much of a baby anymore – more like a teenager struggling with his sexual preference – was patiently waiting for Mama Bear to make breakfast, occupying this time by fixing his hair.  Jack was gay and a vegetarian, both of which were highly frowned upon by his parents.

So anyway, Mama Bear finished making breakfast, which just so happened to be porridge on that particular day. She set each bowl down and the three Bears each took a spoonful. And their porridge was so hot it burned their tongues! So then Jack suggested they go for a brisk stroll through the forest while they wait for the porridge to cool. Papa Bear and Mama Bear agreed that it was a good idea, so Papa Bear fumbled his way out of the house while Mama Bear walked out straightening every object near her and Jack skipped out the door. But little did they realize, they had forgotten to shut the door, and they obliviously walked on.

Shortly after they had left, a little girl by the name of Goldilocks came by the Bears’ house. Goldilocks was the toughest, roughest chick in the entire neighborhood. She saw the wide open door and it seemed to be calling her. Since opportunity had presented itself, she walked on inside. She saw the bowls of porridge just sitting there unattended and was suddenly hungry. So she went over to Papa Bears bowl and took a bite, but it was still way too hot. She then took a bite of porridge from Mama Bear’s bowl, but it was way too cold. Then she went over to Jack’s bowl and it was just right, so she proceeded to eat all of it until she was so full she could hardly move.

Then she decided to sit down in a chair and watch some TV. First, she sat in the biggest chair, Papa Bear’s that is, but it was extremely lumpy. She moved to the next chair and sat, but she didn’t really feel like sitting in Mama Bear’s rocking chair. So she sat on the smallest chair, Jack’s, and it broke under all of her weight. Upset by this, she stood up and then realized how tired she was. So Goldilocks hauled herself up the stairs to the bedroom for a short nap.

When she walked in the room, her eyes immediately fell on the biggest bed, Papa Bear’s. So she flung herself onto it, which ended up being a not so wonderful idea because the bed was as hard as a rock. After recovering, she got up and plopped down on the medium-sized bed, Mama Bear’s, but it was way too soft. She crawled off that bed and laid down on the smallest bed, Jack’s, and it was so comfortable she fell asleep instantly.

While Goldilocks was still in a deep sleep, the three Bears had arrived back home. They were a little suspicious seeing their door wide open, but they were hungry and hoping their porridge would be the right temperature by then. Mama Bear, having the obsessive compulsive disorder she does, noticed right away that things were off and out of place, but they sat at the table to eat anyway. Papa Bear proclaimed his porridge to still be too hot.  Mama Bear’s was too cold. And Jack’s was entirely gone! Alarmed by this, they all stood up, and that’s when Mama Bear noticed the chairs. Papa Bear’s and Mama Bear’s had obviously been sat in, and Jack’s was broken! This is the point in the story when Papa Bear downed two more bottles of beer. Then they all walked up the stairs to the bedroom, well, Papa Bear more so stumbled rather than walked. And when they arrived at the doorway, they crept inside. Papa Bear quietly slurred, “Someone’s been sleeping in my bed.” Mama Bear whispered, “Someone’s been sleeping in my bed.” And Jack said “Someone’s been sleeping in my bed, and she’s still there!” Jack screamed and Goldilocks was startled right out of her sleep. The three Bears all silently looked at her with surprised expressions. And Goldilocks said “Get out, you dumb Bears! I’m trying to sleep here!” Mama Bear was terrified of what this girl might do, so she ran out of the house. Papa Bear slowly staggered back to the doorway. Jack remained still looking at her. Goldilocks asked rudely, “What are you looking at?” Jack replied, “You know, I have this moisturizing cream that you put on just before you go to sleep, and it would totally get rid of those wrinkles on your forehead, and it makes your skin so silky smooth. It’s amazing.” Bothered by this comment, Goldilocks grabbed a conveniently placed baseball bat and chased Jack and Papa Bear out of the house. The three Bears ran and ran and ran and ran and never turned back. They bought a lovely little house in the city, where Papa Bear had buddies to drink with, Mama Bear hired maids, and Jack’s sexual preference was accepted. And Goldilocks became the new resident of the Bears’ old home. And they all lived somewhat happily ever after.

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