Luther Tegtmeier




Drake’s science fair project is nothing like the others. His friends all stuck with the simple volcano and plant experiments. They showed that pop rotted your teeth and very few people wore their seatbelts.  They all did something boring.

Drake had gotten a chemistry set that Christmas and he wanted to have fun with it. So he did all of the experiments in the little book. He had made bubbling reactions, rock candy, bouncy balls, and yucky slime. He spent all of his time playing in the garage with that little set and soon became bored with the experiments the book suggested. He would combine these experiments and see what else he could do with his set of chemicals.

One day he had decided to mix all of the best experiments together. He envisioned a pile of slime that could bounce, taste like candy, and seem to move on its own. It would be known as The Squicm. He got out all of the chemicals and combined them carefully. He could barely contain his excitement as he prepared his great invention.

When Drake poured in the final ingredient he saw that his Squicm was a grand success. The green slime was roiling in its container and he was able to bounce a small piece of it off of the table. He was going to wait for the tasting until later. But, he noticed that the Squicm was also growing. The undulations in its surface had hidden this growth but it was unmistakable now. The Squicm was nearly bursting out of the plastic box it was in.

Drake was amazed by this amazing turn of events and quickly moved the Squicm to a new container. Yet, it continued to grow and was soon threatening to escape. He decided that this needed to stop. Drake tried pouring water on part of the Squicm but it just made it grow faster. He cut it apart. He tried all of the chemicals in the set. Nothing slowed down the growth. Drake even tried to trap it inside the chest in the corner. Soon, it was leaking from the edges and Drake became very worried.

Drake ran out of the garage searching desperately for something that could defuse the monster. Everything he tried seemed hopeless. Soon he could see the first edges of the Squicm leaking out underneath the garage door.

Drake opened the door and saw the entire garage covered in a steadily growing layer of slime. He started to step into the garage. Hoping desperately that something there would show him how to destroy this monster. But, as he took a step, he slipped on part of the Squicm and landed with his face in the slime he had created. He even got some of the Squicm in his mouth and was about to spit it out when he noticed that it indeed tasted like candy as he had predicted.

A sly grin slowly spread on Drake’s face. He finally had a plan. Drake began to eat and eat and eat. He had never had such a wonderful time in his life. Eventually Drake had completely cleaned up the mess and nearly doubled his weight.

Now Drake stands in front of his display for “Squicm: The Never-Ending Candy” wearing a broad smile and his dad’s pants, knowing that he has the greatest science fair project of them all.




Everyone wanted to see him walking. The entire town came to watch him move from one building to another. Maybe they thought he would do something that would prove to them that he had done these horrible things. The news had been buzzing for many months about the coming trial of Mr. Smith. He had been hunted down for many weeks which stretched into months. Police always had a lead but were inevitably a few steps behind. They eventually found him in a small motel just outside of San Antonio. They say he was trying to escape into Mexico. He had been brought back to town to stand his trial for the murder of more than anyone was willing to really think about. Everything had happened in a whirl. We were all still trying to get a grasp of what had happened.

There he was, walking from one building to another. The reporters swirled around him trying to get their shots. The crowd stared at the officers surrounding him, the handcuffs, the orange jumpsuit, and most of all: his stony face. Each and every one of us was trying to find something, something in his eyes or the way he carried himself that would give us an insight into why and how this man could have done the terrible things that haunted our memories. I could see the eyes of my comrades peering into him; each one of them finding something different there. Some, seeking some explanation, must have seen in his cold unchanging face deep hatred for everything around him. Others, looking for the good in everyone, saw his downcast face and perceived in him a powerful sadness and remorse. A few, who thought they knew him, saw fear within him and felt sorry despite everything they had believed he had done. There were even some who saw his dark visage and thought that maybe he was resigned to be punished for horrifying acts he did not commit. We all saw what we wanted to see. All he was doing was walking from one building to another. Yet, everyone desperately wanted to see him walking.





I spend most of my time thinking

About what it is I’m doing.

Where will it lead?

Does it bring me what I need?

Could I be using this time

To make my life sublime?

But, then I decide

This should not be my guide

I should choose what I do

For how it helps someone like you.




Some say that those who can’t do teach.

I definitely don’t mean to preach.

But, no matter what you’ve done

If you don’t spread it to someone

You’re really just being a leech.





Sometimes I see a chance

And I am afraid to take it

Is it worthwhile?

Are the risks too great?

I know I should do it

Yet, I can’t.

If only I would see…

I don’t need to think,

But act




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