Poems by Cory Alexander Cwiak




Real Men Of Genius

Mr. Creepy Cell Phone talker!

Here’s to you, Mr. Creepy Cell Phone talker, you walk around campus and you want everyone to know.


Wants everyone to know!


You don’t let anybody function in peace. You’d rather ask why she always has to start the arguments.


Why do you always start the arguments?


You were a tie die shirt because you can.


Never takes it off!


And to add to the confusion, there isn’t a bathroom for miles.


He’s going to have to hold it!


Mr. Creepy Cell Phone Talker, this bud’s for you.


Drinking and talking at the same time!



“The Conversation”



I fear them too because they are clean

My nipples are oddly sparkly.

My nipples taste like pepperoni and vinegar

I love that little glue bubble that forms at the end of glue bottles.

I went to thousands of lakes

No those were puddles in my backyard

That's depressing.

But there was this one time I saw a river

I was sitting on the roof of my house watching the gutter, because I am to poor to afford a TV

I sat in my bathroom looking at my feet because I can't afford food.

I don’t have feet.. I sold them for the gutters

My face is turning blue and my lungs feel like they are missing

Do you know what it could be?

Maybe it is AIDS

Or testicular cancer.

No... I think it is more serious then that

Like a common cold?


Runny nose

Oh god no, not a runny nose..

Go kill yourself before it spreads!

I wanted to make sure of something before I saved the world

I sold my left arm to get tested for runny nose

Turns out I just forgot to breathe

But my nipples are not dirty.

Not to mention the fact that I sold my nipples to the tooth fairy

I had to or else she would not take my teeth

That fairy was always mean.

And I think she took something else while I was sleeping

I think it might be related to why I cant go to the bathroom

That makes me sad inside.

I found a bag of kittens in the river and they were all sad inside..

I pulled a bag out of the river and these kittens were sad, so I put them back in

That's what you always should do. Otherwise Santa gets pissed.

I was on the naughty list

until I bribed Santa with my two legs

he got me an electric scooter but the sad thing is it was missing a few unimportant pieces

like the wheels, the battery, the seat, the frame, the cabling, the handlebars, and the motor.

I have to go pick up my monkey from the gutter.

I sold my right hand for a monkey

then ran away

then the monkey ran away

I'm going home. I'll bring the basket to pick your remains up tomorrow for BINGO.


Do I get to play with the poke-a-dot pen?

it is my turn to buy a new one

I shall sell the remains of my right arm

now I’m a body and a head... I think I have all the important things

Good Day.




I can not redeem
the pain and hate I bring
My mind is racing,
praying to stay sane
hoping I can explain
wishing to remain

Every time I scream
I feel the pain I bring
I feel the dreams that plead
they plead to be believed

I can not remain
to be found and seen
my guilty heart bleeds
for redemption and mercy

I won’t go insane
I’ll stop all the pain
assume my mentality
escape my frailty

I can not explain
why I won’t maintain
my mind is falling apart
now my lies will scream

I must be seen
ripping at my seams
preserve your sanity
run away from me


Pure Once

Run away
don’t look back
Keep away
Don’t touch

Evil and hate
hidden behind a joyful face
temptation and manipulation
are his ways

Innocence lost
determination remains..
To right the wrongs,
to restore what has been taken

Once before,
word was good

Once before,
laugh was real

Once before,
mind was pure

Now he’s gone,
fallen to his own psychotics
his mind is tainted,
with false hopes
with unfulfilled expectations
with hopeless devoid..

So he searches...
for something real..
For something not taken,
for something he can destroy

He knows no more life
only anger and hate
for anything and everything..

Hate escalates to abomination
the need to redeem..
It runs through his blood
pours from his eyes

He will have his day,
a day of infamy..
What a shame,
it comes to this..

sit here..
observe the destruction
Shake your head
oblivious to your cooperation
in this demise..

MY mind is a terrible thing for YOU to waste...

She Is My Addiction


Your like a drug

I can’t get enough

I always want you

I always need you


Here you come

to poison me again

it’s the stuff I like

the poison only you can bring


Your whisper is injecting

makes me shiver

you are my addiction

my favorite handicap


You know what I need

you know what I want

Give me my dose

so I can relate to a happy state




Wasted Time, Wasted Life



Look at this psychotic world

Hard to listen anymore

Mumbling nonsense,

Sapience vacuity..


Put forth your sense,

in it’s helpless devoid,

show us your heart

my promise, you’ll be seen


You’re lost,

helpless as can be

no direction

no sense


Let it free

don’t fear to succeed

open your mind,

begin breathing


Beware of the dying seed,

the deterioration of common being,

death before life,

and for what?


What is it that we need,

to save the foolish fiend?




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