It’s 4am;  Do You Know Where Your Mind Is?



Suddenly, I’m allergic to everything.

I.e., my body cannot distinguish

the almost lethal from the not at all. 


I’m not alone in this.  Half the people I know

are suddenly allergic to everything.  My mother-in-law Millie

who is eighty and never had allergies

before, perorates the relative demerits

of reactine and loratadine,

and my co-worker Linda, who gives herself shots

in the hip every day, dubs the lot of us
and everyone else Exploding Heads.


Likewise, I catch every legitimate bug that goes around,

as does everyone else.  Murphy’s Law of



So we’re sick with everything real

as well as everything not. Reality has mislaid

our bodies, or the other way around—

and craziness is driving itself human.


I.e., up could be down, east could be west, because the planet

doesn’t know where it is

in the universe, and the universe, being everywhere,

doesn’t either and can’t ever.


These are dicey problems and enormous,

unwarranted leaps, no doubt.

Next thing we know, we’re actually thinking about about

and the mind, at 4am, reduces to a dot.


I.e., the mind can see nothing, ultimately, in the darkness,

but gains presence when it looks,

though there’s nothing, ultimately, in the darkness,

to see that seeing something, except itself.


bastard masturbating a glitter


raptures of falling in space forever…