Morbitity Glyphs


I Had Two Questions for My Surgeon:

have I done enough with my writing,
and have I actually lived?


Drive-by Kiss

That fucker death's wet tongue
in my ear.


Regret is Regret

ground to a powder, leaking blood.



They did all this deadly poison stuff to me
to zap the deadly poison stuff in me,
and still can't say what does, and what does not, reside in me.
I walk around, alive.


Of Course We Must Struggle to Live

Who else will keep the dead alive?


I've Wounded and Been Wounded

in love. I've lived.


How Odd

I’m writing poems about death

for fun!


Death Has Fat, Freezing Lips

Death has fat, freezing lips.








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© Nichols 2003
Draft posted for temporary viewing