High Fidelity



Letters are due but without a single story you stoop to a zeroing tulip.  Lucky sponge, very much.  Whose gradual layers sample each other authentically, you hope.


If you can believe such places exit, then you're in the real world.


Now then          Catch the dust floating over     

Dark—till you say something.


So be happy for the rest of your mind.



Remember your father built his own speaker, musty and hollow, back when he still liked music?  Strung it up in a corner of the den.  It was the room's big eye and it sang.  It blasted and panted the mechanical mysteries—Ray Charles, very early Elvis—something, anyway, to pump an adolescent through the blizzard.              


To wherever you are right now, you guess.  Measley partway there.  You can't let go if he won't let go. 


Smatterings of refusal     He was a son of      


—going by right now if you think  


So forget it, the mechanical mysteries rely on the batter to swing.  The boy catches the ball in his sister.  She looks to the brother to sort it all out.  He looks to her.


So be happy for the rest of your mind.



While in the backyard of the first house lived a fabulous ditch.  Nobody knows exactly what he meant, he just dug it.  It was full of nothing but dirt.  Or maybe blew something out.  And clear across the yard stood its blank, unvariegated boulders, similarly mute.  They seemed important and pointless, sunny, handsome…


Somewhere high above the planet, but the pain's still bad.


The little patio fringed in bamboo & nets, stuff from the ocean dangled lightly and scarily.  Sea horses, star fish, snippets of coral.  Samples of something you couldn't match with the music/trellis all bothersome brains.  Cruel diction, stupid chipping …



You call up someone you believe to be your mother.  I hurt is what she says.  Her sky floats in a balloon and without your father she can't ward off herself. Crash in the pillow there's nothing else. 


So scratch your beliefs.  The flags fall easily out.  Crawl under your cramped god.  The zoos these days are all so dry…Everyone a blank for the crimes they cause.  And sad someone said as he strumbled and sang: 


"Without that stammer you'd be even worse.  So polish your step, sweetheart.  Step down."



Last week they fired the weather man.

You threw out your book of addresses.


The summer would connect if it could, but your mornings splinter.


How hard do I have to try,

hard enough to be dead  

right along with you          Dad?




If anyone calls, tell them you're waiting for a grandparent's patience.  It's over on the beach, the man you live with says, no breach.  Foam for a few/facts to suck us under.  He's maybe halfway right.  Loves you for reasons outlined in the tiniest print of a forest.  Camp where losing doesn't matter, in other words water.  Munch on the light, then light up yourself as it voices in wavelets up and pulsing out.



And so the blue wags.  In the new zoo managers giggle, rules make sense, and the mind you've been wearing, at last, begins to move over.



Without luggage or shoes, we zero in on each other.   Hey you burn just right        Book pages flutter      I really got into rock and roll when I was four or so I could Twist remember Twisting how two people faced off turning their bodies a wrong way then a right   


Understaffed as we are          Ripe like Spanish


Elephants drowsing in line to the caves.  Some will die there, some not.  Single file in, single file out.  No one knows why they bother, they all line up.  It's insane but what isn't.  The room starts to move as we twist to a stop.