Tetrad 1:

The Academic Weblog



Enhances (or extends)


thought as feeling.


We worry that our writing’s becoming “cheap,” undeveloped, personal, exhibitionist, unscholarly, shallow.  Well, this is


nonsense.  I think.  The writeosphere is immense.  It will hold us. Its boundaries are elastic. The very word elastic extends the boundary slightly, just and ever so, when you HEAR it.  We are making

, no?

We love our vertigo.


Whitman: "Fuck an A."


Reversed, Pushed to Extremes,


it is itself.




only again itself, itself, itself.

















Enhances (or extends)


blindness. I swim in ideas like some thin oceanic plant, anxiously happy in excess, in the not-yet and the could-be, our small hot amnesia, galactic, amniotic, blistering cold, I told you so.  Not-knowing. Which is ok.  Which is fine.  My skin itches. 


Also silence.  In the everday roar of data, the crashed mind, the hard drive gone tiny and deaf, alone in that corner over there, grinning.  I can’t stop picking at my arm.  Alarms go off unendingly like ohm.






christ, I just don’t know.


Everything I’ve said is not true.


Then again, true.


The reverse reverses and then repeats.








the list, that lust, a tongue. The dated entry, the identified moment.  We try to weigh the moment


down.  In this way, perhaps, we keep it all from flying away.




nothing, I would guess.  It’s all about crush.  Like in A Hundred Years of Solitude, the plot spirals in and in until everything, all of the story’s repeated moments, all of the story’s IN-FORMATION—it all suddenly happens at once.  Out of


formation.  Still,


small voice.  Happens.  The moment is bursting at its seams, we’re gagging on now.


If only something could be obsolesced.


ob lob gob


solesce    celeste    lascivi  


ous.  In the image, in simple sound, THOUGHT obsolesces, I think.  I dream of academic writing which is lyrical. Time to tenure bodies.


In simple   , thought extends


into a circle, reverses


as it advances, retrieves