Fiction Project (15 pts.)

Length: aim for roughly 5-9 pages

Due date: Your finished story is due in your chapbook at the end of the term. However, you will hand in a draft for use in-class, and you may hand in the finished version for early scoring, if you like (while still including it in your chapbook).

You may also submit a draft of your story for workshop credit.



Write a short story in any mode or style (except for allegory), and as long as it has a traditional, rising-action plot with well-developed characters. It can include flashbacks and other plot devices, but the base plot should be chronological and mostly continuous (few segment breaks). No O'Henry twists or suicides!

Note: because this piece is likely to be short, it's important that you don't take on a narrative too long in duration. Covering large amounts of time in few pages can result in poor pacing, weak scene development, unearned endings and flat characters.

Evaluation Criteria

Your story should heed the instructions above, and be well-paced with effective hooks and a clear situation, problem, or conflict. Scenes should be detailed and clearly demarcated. The ending should be earned and avoid sentimentality, cleverness, or a last-minute twist. Characters should be round, distinct, and complex. All material should be edited and proofed for clarity, elegance, and adherence to mechanical conventions.

I first assign a grade to your story, where:

A = outstanding. Meets all of the stated criteria and instructions exceptionally well. Excels in inventiveness, originality, and energy, realitve to work produced generally in 323. Well-edited and proofed. Publishable with a bit more work.

B = very good. Meets all of the stated criteria and instructions, or meets several of them exceptionally well, despite a weak performance with others.. May be especially striking in spots, despite noticeable flaws. Very competent, but may lack originality or inventiveness, relative to work produced generally in 323. Good attention to style and mechanics. Clear attention to assignment.

C = fair. Meets some of the stated criteria, or meets all of them only partially. Uninspired but minimally competent; or very inspired but lacking competence in key areas.. May show some inattention to, or misunderstanding of, instructions. Weak proofreading and editing.

D = poor. Meets few of the criteria. May not not heed or understand instructions. May be sloppy, unproofed, unedited, and/or very perfunctory and uninspired.. An ineffective story, saved by at least minimal attention to at least one facet of the story.

F = unacceptable. Story either fails to meet any of the stated criteria, or demonstrates severe oversights or weaknesses in significant areas.

I then fine-tune that grade with points:

A = 14-15
B = 12-13
C = 10-11
D = 8-9

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