The Skinny on Poetry of Rock



  • to investigate the development of rock lyrics;
  • to appreciate the rock lyric in multiple ways and through multiple critical lenses;
  • to enrich your literary and cultural knowledge;
  • to enjoy poetry in new ways.


To Pass the Course

To pass this course: you must receive a minimum of 57 points (out of 100).

Weekly work = 50 pts. possible
Group presentation = 50 pts. possible

Missed Classes

You don't need to inform me that you've missed a class.

If you do miss a class, contact a couple classmates first, then contact me if you have specific questions. Do not come to me first.

Attendance and participation may be factored into your final grade in borderline cases.

Missed or Late Assignments

Make-up or late weekly work assignments will only be accepted TWICE. That is, you may only turn in 2 late items for credit. Any missed or late work beyond that will not be accepted.

Late or make-up weekly work must include a note explaining:

    1. The name of the assignment.
    2. The assignment's original due date.
    3. The assignment instructions.

Late work handed in without this note will not receive credit.

Missed group presentations can only be made up with documented evidence of serious hardship or illness.



Don't do it. You will receive an automatic F for the term.


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