For Next Week (Semester Half-Way Point), Oct. 11:


Lots of reading!
To ease your pain, I'll bring pizza.

  • Animal poems (in online class library)
  • CFP, Hass, "One Body: Some Notes on Form," pp, 151-164
  • CFP, Stafford, "A Way of Writing," pp. 450-452
  • CFP, Edson, “Portrait of the Writer as a Fat Man…,” pp. 95-103
  • SA, "Man and Beast" section, pp. 217-246
  • Review SA pieces we've already read (esp. animal pieces)

Be thinking about the “animal poem.”

You don’t have to print out anything except workshop material.



  • Quiz

  • Blogs. See:

    Justin's Sept. 30th and Amy's Oct. 3rd and all of Heath's: entries which could themselves be very interesting poems or fiction/nonfiction.

    Mike's: jotting ideas (good to keep track like this)

    Tamber's: posting pics and poems (also Ben's)

    Jeff's: just some interesting brainstorming

    Colleen's: good link for animal poems

    Landon's: good persona poem from pt. of view of guy overseas

    Aaron's: actually has a homepage; lists what he's been reading, posts previous work, etc.

    Davids': piss off!

  • Discuss readings: the avant-garde in poetry

    • How important is innovation to you?

    • Keep in mind that Kostelanetz talks about importance of knowing what you're breaking away or innovating from.

    • What's more important: to surprise or to move your reader?

    • Sound and v isual poetry: Bliem Kern's piece in CFP. Also New Media poetry.

    • Jackson Mac Low's ideas about chance poetry.

    • Ron Silliman and L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E poetry.

    • Keep in mind that the reading assignments are in part intended to help you find what will interest you. We obviously don't discuss everything I'm assigning, but I'll likely refer to it from time to time.

  • Workshop

    • Remember that you'll write up a reflective letter to me at end of term; be working on that now? (See instructions at homepage.)

    • Let's start sending our stuff out as email AND posting it to our Blackboard Discussion Board. (Find the forum titled "Workshop".)