Math 856 - DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS and ERGODIC THEORY; Fall 2024, 3 credits


Instructor:          Doğan Çömez

Lectures:            MWF 2:00-2:50 pm, Lebedeff Hall 183

Office:                Minard 408 E24

Office hours:     3:00-3:50 pm


Prerequisites:   Math 750 or the consent of the instructor.

Reference Texts:             Introduction to Ergodic Theory, by P. Walters, Springer-Verlag, 1975

                                           Dynamical Systems and Ergodic Theory, M. Policott & M. Yuri, London Math. Soc., 1998

An Introduction to Symbolic Dynamics and Coding, D. Lind & B. Marcus, Cambridge University Press, 2003



Course Description: This course is a study of measurable dynamical systems in general.   Topics that will be covered include fundamental concepts of measurable dynamical systems (recurrence, ergodicity, mixing, and spectral analysis of systems), ergodic theorems and their applications.  During the second part of the course focus will be on symbolic dynamical systems, which provide rich domain of problems as well as applications to other mathematical sciences.  In both parts of the course recent developments in the subject as well as some current problems of research will be discussed.

Course Objectives: In the broadest sense, the branch of mathematics that attempts to understand the processes in motion is called dynamical systems. Depending on the basic structure on the underlying system, this study is done in various domains (topological, smooth or measurable).  The purpose of this course is to help students learn fundamental properties of dynamical systems (in particular, the properties of measurable systems) in a rigorous manner; develop mathematical skills needed to apply these to the problems arising in various settings; gain increased understanding of how the concepts they learned in the course apply within mathematics and to other disciplines.

Grading: There will be (approximately) six assignments, dates TBD.

Academic Responsibility and Conduct: All work in this course must be completed in a manner consistent with NDSU University Senate Policy, Section 335: Code of Academic Responsibility and Conduct.  This policy applies to cases in which cheating, plagiarism, or other academic misconduct have occurred in an instructional context. Students found guilty of academic misconduct are subject to penalties, such as failure of the course, up to and possibly including suspension and/or expulsion. Student academic misconduct records are maintained by the Office of Registration and Records.

Special needs: Any student with disabilities or other special needs, who need special accommodations in the course, is invited to share these concerns or requests with Dr. Çömez as soon as possible.

Veterans: Veterans and student soldiers with special circumstances or who are activated are encouraged to notify Dr. Çömez in advance.



Chapter I. Fundamentals of measurable dynamical systems

1.      Measure preserving systems

2.      Ergodicity, recurrence, and mixing, for measurable systems

3.      Spectral analysis of measurable systems

4.      Isomorphism and conjugacy of dynamical systems

5.      Entropy of measurable systems


Chapter II. Ergodic theorems

1.      The individual ergodic theorem and the mean ergodic theorem

2.      Some applications to analytic number theory

3.      Subsequential and operator theoretical ergodic theorem


Chapter III. Symbolic Dynamical Systems

1.      Symbolic systems and examples

2.      Entropy of shift spaces

3.      Subshifts of finite type and sofic systems

4.      Other shift spaces of particular interest


Chapter IV. Other topics of interest.

1.      Basic constructions in ergodic theory

2.      Non-commutative ergodic theorems

3.       Multiple recurrence and applications to number theory