There are two assignments below in red-face letters
Verb ClustersHow to make verb clusters.Verb clusters, sometimes called present participial phrases, are made by crossing over the -ing form of the verb in a main clause of BSP-1 or BSP-2. See BSPs for review.
The man escaped from jail. (BSP1 with a prepositional phrase)How to identify verb clusters. To identify verb clusters, look for -ing words. When you find one, figure out if it is part of the kernel BSP. If it is, then it is NOT a verb cluster. See the following examples: Running is good exercise. (Here "running" is a noun, the subject of the sentence.)If the -ing verb is not part of the main clause, it is probably a verb cluster. Verb clusters usually have some words attached to the -ing word, but sometimes the -ing word stands alone as a one-word cluster. All of the following are verb clusters: Spending money like there was no tomorrow, the shoppers snapped up all the bargains by noon. Assignment one: Print off a fresh copy of the first two pages of Amazon Stranger. Ignore the instructions at the top of that print out. Instead, highlight or underline every verb cluster you find on these two pages and label them with the abbreviation VC. How to fix dangling verb clusters. Finally, verb clusters can dangle. When they do, they are usually called "dangling participles." To recognize a dangling participle, first find a verb cluster and then uncross it to see if the original sentence makes sense, like this: Driving through the park, three bears were seen. (A sentence with a verb cluster)Bring the subject of the main clause forward: Three bearsPut the verb cluster after the subject and add a helping verb: Three bears (were) driving through the park. Does this sentence make sense in the context of the rest of the text? Unless you are reading a fairy tale or watching a cartoon, this sentence probably contains a dangling participle. Fix it by changing the verb cluster to a subordinate clause or by changing the noun of the main clause: Fix one: When the tour bus went through the park, three bears were seen. (awkward but correct)Assignment two: On a separate piece of paper, write three sentences that have dangling verb clusters in them. Below each of these, write a revision of the sentence that gets rid of the dangling verb cluster. |