This website and its accompanying paper are, in a way, the lineal descendent of a quip by a former teacher, Dr. Gregory B. Mulkern: "Cockroaches? They’re beautiful." More proximal contributors are as follows: Dr. Walter Valovage and David Nelson for providing the opportunity to become acquainted with the northern plains grasshopper fauna, Dr. David Rider for access to the North Dakota State Insect Reference Collection and review of the (paper manuscript), and Dr. Paul Johnson for access to the Sevrin-McDaniel Insect Research Museum at South Dakota State University and the loan of specimens. Collecting trips with (and by) a number of colleagues provided many additional records and sincere thanks are extended to Dr. Robert Gordon, Paul Tinerella, Dave Cuthrell, Carey Shimmeck, and Gordon Grainer. All black and white drawings were done by Merideth Meyer. The original website construction was accomplished by Diane Pennington, with support through the North Dakota Extension Service via Phillip Glogoza. The paper publication has been supported by monies from the Schafer-Post fund.
Last updated: 01/05/07
Dr. Gerald M. Fauske
Research Specialist
202 Hultz Hall
Fargo, ND 58105
Published by the Department of Entomology
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