Hippiscus ocelote (Saussure)
Wrinkled grasshopper
- Head rounded.
- Fastigum with a median
carnula and a cross ridge,
demarking four flat areas.
- Median carina cut by one suture.
- Prozona as long or longer than
metazona (metazona longer in
all similar species).
- Tegmen blotched, with a pale stripe in
dorsal field.
- Hindwing yellow to red with broad
fuscous border.
- Inner face of hind femur pale yellow
with black transverse bands.
- Hind tibia yellow to brownish.
- Adults from mid-Summer to Autumn.
- Fastigum with four depressions.
- Median carina cut by one suture.
- Prozona as long or longer than metazona.
- Hind tibia yellow to brownish.