Melanoplus borealis (Fieber)
Northern grasshopper
- Head and pronotum bright green.
- Black post-ocular stripe ends abruptly
at principle sulcus.
- Outer face of hind femur fuscous,
somewhat darker apically.
- Inner face of hind femur orange below
lower carnula.
- Male cercus 'boot shaped' with
rounded lower edge.
- Supra-anal plate shield-like.
- Furculae about 1/3 length of supra-anal plate.
- Ovipositor without a dorsal tooth.
- Adults in late Spring and early
- Post-ocular band darkest on prozona.
- Lateral crescent reduced to a pale
'dash' on prozona.
- Outer face of hind femur with
uninterrupted black streak.
- Nymphs in early Spring.
