Melanoplus fasciatus (Walker)
Huckleberry grasshopper
- Outer face of hind femur with three transverse dark bands, basal two connected on
lower half of outer face.
- Inner face and venter of hind femur red to orange.
- Male cercus flattened, thumb-like, similar to M. gladstoni but without slight bulge
along ventral margin.
- Furculae minute.
- Subanal plate evenly rounded.
- Ovipositor without a dorsal tooth.
- Associated with Vaccinium spp. (Blueberry, Huckleberry).
- General coloration similar to M. confusus.
- Eye with lower half darker than upper half.
- Outer face of hind femur dark and divided by a V-shaped cross-band.
- Males of later instars show the thumb-like cercus of adults.