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L.  Wing morphology 3.
      Wing structures.


Quadrifid forewing venaton of a lasiocampid.
Note M2 (green arrow) arises near M3 (top blue arrow).
Trifid forewing venation of a saturniid.
Note  M2 (green arrow) arises near M1 rather then M3.

Quadrifid hindwing venation of a catocaline noctuid.
Four veins arise from lower end of discal cell.

Trifid hindwing venation of a noctuine noctuid.
Three veins arise from lower end of discal cell.

From left to right: hindwings of a heliothine, arctiine, and phycitine showing degrees of fusion of Sc+R1
(upper blue arrow) and Rs (lower blue arrow) and their point of contact (green arrow) above discal cell.
Blue dot indicates point where Sc+R1 and Rs separate beyond the discal cell (pale green).

Forewing of megalopygid showing hairy wing surface.

Forewing of plusiine noctuid photographed at an
oblique angel to show lines of raised scales.


Forewings of male tortricids (Choristoneura sp. left and Eucosma sp. right) showing costal fold.





Last updated: 08/23/07

Dr. Gerald M. Fauske
collection manager, NDSIRC
research specialist, NDSU
216 Hultz Hall
Fargo, ND 58105
E-Mail: Gerald.Fauske@ndsu.nodak.edu

Published by the Department of Entomology 

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