Moths of North Dakota

Identification key to the Sphingidae of North Dakota

Identification key to the Sphingidae of North Dakota


1.        Antennae gradually thickened from base to apex (clavate).                go to 2 


Clavate antenna of Hemaris diffinis     Clavate antennae of Hyles lineata


1'.    Antennae filiform, fasciculate, or pectinate.                                            go to 6


Filiform antennae of Ceratomia amyntor     Fasciculate antennae of Pachysphinx modesta     Pectinate antennae of Smerinthus jamaicensis


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Last updated: 09/08/03

Gerald M. Fauske
Research Specialist
202 Hultz Hall
Fargo, ND 58105

Published by the Department of Entomology 

Prospective students may schedule a visit by calling 1-800-488-NDSU.