Moths of North Dakota

Noctuidae: Noctuinae: Agrotini

Copablepharon longipenne Grote 1882

Common name: No accepted common name, listed here as 'Long-winged dune moth.'

Hodges #: 10689.

Identification: Rfw 14.17  mm, ground color gray-brown, overlaid with yellow scales, most densely along costa; pm line marked by dark dots at veins; hw fuscous with white fringe. Frons smooth, protibiae with lateral and mesal setae, metatarsi with four rows of ventral setae. Antennae of %  strongly bifasciculate-pectinate.

Similar species: 9449, 10438, 10681, and 10811.

Distribution: western Great Plains from southern Canada to northern Texas.

Hosts: Larval have been reported feeding on the roots of wild rose (Seamans 1925).


ND  McKenzie Co., N Unit. Theodore Roosevelt Natl. Park.  28- VII- 1955.
 P. & P. Rindge.






Last updated: 02/06/07

Dr. Gerald M. Fauske
collection manager, NDSIRC
research specialist, NDSU
216 Hultz Hall
Fargo, ND 58105

Published by the Department of Entomology 

Prospective students may schedule a visit by calling 1-800-488-NDSU.