Common name: No accepted common name,
listed here as ‘Ruddy-winged dart moth.’
Hodges #: 10738.
Identification: Rfw 18.6, fws usually deep reddish brown, hws
white with a dark terminal line (%%)
or with fuscous outer margin (&&).
Frons with central tubercle, pro-tibiae with mesal and lateral row of
setae. Male clasper with short blunt sacculus extension.
Similar species: 10764, 10798, 10801, 10813,
10865, 10978, and 10878.1.
Distribution: western U.S. and southern Canada, eastward in
transition zone to East coast.
Life history: Has been reared under laboratory conditions
(Agriculture Canada), overwinters as an egg. Adults fly in August
and September.
Note: Two subspecies in the western Great Plains, E.
m. gagates (Grote) along the western edge of the Dakotas and westward with
dark gray fws, and E. m. mimallonis (Grote), the eastern and
northern range of the species and broadly overlapping in the west.
CA San Bernardino Co., Whisky
San Bernardino Mts. 5300' 6- IX- 1965