Common name: no accepted common name,
listed here as 'Clay-colored dart.' Hodges #: 10813.
Identification: Rfw 15.33 mm; fw with lower half of reniforn spot
with fuscous scales, hw (%) unmarked
white, (&) lightly infuscated.
All tibiae setose, eyes without hair, frons with a raised ring.
Identified as a member of Euxoa by the sacculus extension.
Similar species: 10669,
10809, 10811,
10841, 10842, 10847, 10894, 10902,
10906, and 10909.
Distribution: Great Plains from southern Canada to Texas, westward
to the Pacific southward, and east as far as Wisconsin.
Hosts: Early stages unknown, the late August and September flight
period in ND suggests overwintering in the egg stage.
Note: fw groundcolor varies from yellowish to gray, to pinkish.
ND Divide Co., 10 mi NNW Alamo,
UV lt. trap. 6- IX- 2004. K. Anderson.