Common name: No accepted common name,
Listed here as 'Northwestern army cutworm.'
Hodges #: 10923.
Identification: Rfw 17.4 mm, frons bulging, without a raised ring,
pro-tibia with both mesal and lateral row of setae, all tibiae setose;
thoracic vestiture of and forked and singular hair-scales; orbicular spot
small, round; fw in fresh specimens with a brassy cast.
Similar species: 10731,
10705, 10753, 10915,
10927.1, 10973,
11006, and
Distribution: Rocky Mountain states, northwestward to Alaska.
The closely related A. squalida (Guenée)
occurs in the Palearctic.
Hosts: presumably the larvae feed on grasses as does A. squalida,
no definite host records known for A. balanitis.

ND Bottineau Co., 13- VII- 1963.
W. Knudson.