Common name: Northern
variable dart/ Spotted-sided cutworm.
Hodges #: 10955.
Identification: Rfw 16.32 mm, ground color gray, black before and
between ordinary spots; transverse lines even, pale filled, st area darker
than ground color, hw fuscous; ptagiae blackish, contrasting with gray
vertex and tegulae. Protibia with mesal setae and a few lateral
apical setae. Antennae of %
Similar species:10644, 10680,
10944, and
Distribution: southern Canada and United States, east of the 100th
meridian, and exclusive of the Deep South.
Hosts: Larval hosts include Stellaria media-- chickweed,
Sisymbrium officinale-- hedge mustard, Trifolim-- clovers,
Medicago sativa-- alfalfa, Rumex-- sorrels, Aster ericoides--
summer aster, and Triticum astevium-- wheat (Walkden 1957).
SD, Minnehaha Co., Sioux Falls, incandescent lt., G.
Close up of head and prothorax of A. badinodis
showing dark ptagiae.
Lateral view of head of A. badinodis.