Common name: Brown climbing cutworm
Hodges #: 11043.
Identification: Rfw 14.39 mm; ground color red brown; ordinary
spots and pm area darker, black spot at inception of st line diagnostic--
but also present in A. magnicupida Lafontaine which is not known from the
Dakotas. Hws fuscous. Labial palpus 2nd segment with apical
tuft; palpus laterally blackish and smooth scaled ventrally. Pro-tibiae
without sclerotized setae. Abdomen flattened.
Similar species: 10753, 10801,
10992, 11024.1,
11027, 11039, 11041, 11045, and
Distribution: southern Canada and United States east of the Rockies
and excepting the deep south.
Hosts: Larvae known from willow, apple, peach, and grape and
occasionally of economic importance (Crumb 1956, Lafontaine 1998).
Note: prior to 1998, this species was confused with the eastern
A. magnicupida, a larger, paler species.
ND Burleigh Co., UV lt. trap.
18- VII- 1988. G. Fauske.
Abagroits cupida, lateral
view of head showing black, smooth scaled second segment of labial palpus.