Common name: listed here as ‘Spotted
sage moth.’
Hodges #: 11082, as Protoschinia scutosa (Fabricius).
Identification: Rfw 14 mm; clypeus shelf-like, pro tibia > 3x
as long as wide, all tibiae with setae, hw with dark postmedian line and
broad fuscous border containing pale marginal spots.
Similar species: 11068, 11074, 11077, and 11190.1.
Distribution: Great Plains, Great Basin.
Hosts: Artemisia dracunculus L. [and other sages?].

ND, Ransom Co., East S. allotment, Sheyenne
Natl. grasslands, 12- VI- 1992, Hg/ UV light, coll. G. Fauske.