Common name: American lappet moth.
Hodges #: 7687.
Identification: Rfw 15.2 mm, camouflage leaf pattern with
scalloped wing margins, fw venation quadrifid with CuA2
arising near base of discal cell; hw notched at apex, wing with basal areole as large as discal
Similar species: 7665.
Distribution: southern Canada and temperate U. S., southward in
Hosts: Larvae on a wide variety of woody plants: Alnus–
alder, Betula– birch, Quercus– oak, Salix–
willow, and Populus– poplar.

ND, Adams Co., Hettinger. 1- VI- 1983, male,
UV lt. trap.

ND, Richland Co., Hankinson. 7- VI- 1983, female,
UV lt. trap.