Common name: Linden prominent. Hodges #:
Identification: Rfw 18.0 mm, lacks tuft of scales at mid point
along inner margin, as such, passingly similar to many noctuids, note
family characters and also the evenly arched costal margin of fw. Eyes
without hair, antennae of male fasciculate.
Similar species: generally similar to many species-
7933, 9189, 10275, 10291, 10944.
Distribution: southern Canada and United States east of the Great
Hosts: Larval feed on Linden (basswood)-
MN. Clay Co., Moorhead Science Center.
6 mi. E. Glyndon. Hg/UV lt. 19- vi- 1995.
G. Fauske, C.
Lochen, L. DeCock.

Larva, pic courtesy of Lacy Hyche, Auburn University, Forestry
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